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The Origin of Evil

Scripture reveals God is love, a characteristic that has always been and will always be. His nature is pure light, devoid of any darkness. His plans and purposes are inherently righteous, reflecting His holy nature. This holiness signifies His complete separation from His creation, untouched by the stain of sin. God’s Word clearly demonstrates that He is not responsible for …

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The Belt of Truth

Dear Truth Seeker,In these last days, the Body of Christ is clearly in an all-out spiritual war with the enemies of righteousness. This war is not with people but with the demonic forces which deceive millions and promote ungodliness and evil. I can make this claim with great confidence because it has been this way from the start. Ephesians 6:10-17 …

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The Word of God and Harry Potter

The fact that any Christians would not recognize J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books (and the corresponding movies) as a ploy of the Devil to introduce witchcraft to millions of people, especially children, is a sad testimony to the dearth of biblical knowledge in the Church today. The fact that some go so far as to endorse the books as advancing good-versus-evil …

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Satan Started as a Star

Let us now look at the privileged position in which Lucifer began his existence, because understanding his relationship with God and the manner in which he lost it will help us appreciate Jesus Christ and his road to glory. Whereas Jesus began his earthly life in humility and ended it in ignominy, Satan began in glory and will end in …

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Are Angels Real?

What does the Bible say about angels? A lot! Why? Because God is love, and the world is a war zone. The chief combatants are God and Satan, and what they are fighting over is you. Yes, people are the prize, the spoils of war, if you will. God wants to win people so He can love them, bless them, …

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Angelic Warfare

Another biblical variable that affects our lives is the spiritual battle raging between the forces of good and evil in the realm beyond our five senses. Remembering from Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 how much power and wisdom God originally gave “Lucifer” should help us to understand how formidable a foe we now have, and how diligent we must be in …

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What Does the Bible Say about War?

FAQ: I know some Christians who say they are “pacifists” and that war is always wrong. Some go so far as to say they would not defend themselves even if someone tried to kill them. One called me a “militant” Christian because I said I would. What does the Bible say about war? While there are verses that some have …

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Satan’s Opposition

Satan is a parasite and a counterfeiter. Thus, he and his purposes are actually defined by a proper understanding of God and His purposes. Satan’s character and his purposes are diametrically opposed to God’s. The Devil especially tries to undermine man’s perception of God’s goodness by afflicting the righteous while prospering the ungodly. His deception is geared to obscure both …

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The War of Words: A Spiritual Battle

In this article, we want to address the accurate usage of words and how precise language keeps our thinking sharp and preserves our freedom in Christ. The critical difference between truth and error, something vital to every aspect of our existence, often boils down to a question of the definition of words, and whether or not we are using the …