This world is not the one God originally created. Because of Adam’s rebellion, it is now filled with uncertainty and unpredictability. No one knows what the future holds. Yet, despite this reality being difficult to accept, people often act as though they can control what lies ahead. However, life — whether in terms of work, finances, health, or relationships — …
The Marriage Covenant
I believe that the foundational relationship of humanity is marriage. Every other human relationship — friendship, partnership, parenting, or neighborliness — can be observed and mastered within the marriage covenant. It is the first human relationship established in God’s Word in the Garden of Eden. It is also the model covenant God used to invite Israel to become His chosen …
Rich Toward God
Money is important. Unfortunately, for many, the pursuit and accumulation of wealth become an all-consuming way of life. This is unhealthy, especially for followers of Jesus Christ. On several occasions, Jesus warned His followers about the dangers of money. One such warning is recorded in Luke’s gospel. The Parable of the Rich FoolLuke 12:13-15: Someone in the crowd said to …
Understanding Agency and Authority in Christ
In this teaching, we explored the concept of agency and authority within ancient Near Eastern culture and its application to Christian prayer. Using the example of the Centurion in Luke 7, Marc Dickie illustrates how agency allows representatives to act on behalf of their principals, demonstrating trust and humility in a higher authority. Marc emphasizes that Jesus Christ is the …
Looking to Jesus in Prayer
Jesus taught that if we ask for anything in his name, believing that we will receive it, we shall. But what does it truly mean to believe? What action does belief necessitate? Jesus provides insight into this in John 3:14–15, referencing Numbers 21:7–8. In the Old Testament passage, God instructed the Israelites, who were bitten by serpents, to look at …
Jacob Humbled Himself
As a historical biblical figure, Jacob, the son of Isaac, is not someone we would typically associate with humility. Perhaps terms like craftiness or selfishness come to mind when we think of this patriarch of Israel. Yet, when we examine his life more closely, I believe we can learn a great deal about humility. Like many of us, Jacob may …
Stepping into 2025
As we step into 2025, it’s natural to contemplate the path ahead, particularly concerning our relationship with God and Christ. How disheartening it must be for those who lack a burning passion, who see no grander purpose in their existence, and who settle for a life of distractions. Surely, life offers more than simply avoiding disaster while filling our time …
Beyond Bible Knowledge
On December 30, 2024, at 8pm, TLTF had a group of Christian believers unite on a Zoom call to pray. We opened with a beautiful video narration of Jesus’ last prayer before he was taken in the Garden of Gethsemane to be crucified. That prayer is one I’ve never really taken much time to meditate on, but it is profoundly …
Measuring Growth in Faith, Not Numbers
As a Christian ministry in the modern world, it’s easy to get caught up in metrics like bank balances, social media engagement, and online participation. While these figures can offer some insight, they risk diverting us from our core mission: guiding individuals to become disciples of Christ. Focusing solely on numerical data is like counting social media connections instead of …
Joy in Adversity
Unfortunately, and decidedly contrary to God’s desire, adversity is part of this life. First-century Jews who accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior were acutely aware of this. Not long after the Day of Pentecost, Peter and John were imprisoned by Jewish leaders for healing a lame man in Jesus Christ’s name. This was just the beginning of escalating pressure. …