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Embracing Ephesians

Ephesians presents a beautiful picture of the Christian life. It reminds us that we are chosen and adopted into God’s family, redeemed and forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This truth fills us with a sense of awe and gratitude, knowing that we are beloved children of God and nothing can ever separate us from His love. Have we …

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The Supremacy of God’s Word

As believers, we are constantly faced with the internal battle between our flesh and our spirit. This struggle is not dependent on our level of maturity or spirituality, as even the most devout individuals can find themselves in a constant tug-of-war between these two opposing forces. The battle between the flesh and the spirit is an ongoing struggle for all …

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A Deeper Recognition of Christ

The genitive case in New Testament grammar is an important tool for understanding the relationship between Christ and his followers. It is used to express the idea of Lordship, with Christ as the Lord and the believer as the subject. It is also used to convey the idea of unity and dependence, with the believer relying on Christ for his …

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The Giving Season

Christian reformer Martin Luther once said, “People go through three conversions: The conversion of their head, their heart, and their pocketbook. Unfortunately, not all at the same time.”  We first hear the gospel, weigh it in our minds to the point of assent and ultimately believe it in our hearts. At that moment, we are saved from death and guaranteed …

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The Good Shepherd (Part 1 & 2)

Sheep are arguably the most helpless creatures God created. Being unable to care for themselves, they depend on their caretaker, their shepherd, for food, water, grooming, protection from ravenous beasts, and much more. In the 10th chapter of John’s Gospel Jesus said there is a good shepherd and there is a bad shepherd. The gulf between the two is deep …

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Throughout scripture God’s people have chosen hope as a strength building virtue. Hope is not optimism. It isn’t a wish. Nor is it a fantasy. Hope is a choice to see the future according to the faithfulness of God to fulfill His promises. Hope is confident trust that God will perform the promises in His word regardless of the present …

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Complete in Christ

The letter to the Colossians is a powerful reminder of the completed work of our savior Jesus Christ. It shows us that we do not have to add anything to what Jesus accomplished in order to be saved and stand as the righteousness of God. Paul wrote this letter in response to those who were teaching that something else was …

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A Good Church, Who Can Find One?

I know scores of Jesus followers who love what he taught, what he did and how he freely gave his life on behalf of humanity. But the practice of their daily lives, unlike Jesus, is one of a solitary walk. Why do so many people who are believers of Jesus Christ fail to join themselves with other followers of Jesus. …

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Our Hope in the Midst of Suffering

Jesus said that those who made the decision to follow him would experience suffering for having made that decision. The early church soon found out the truth of those words and Peter’s first epistle addresses that development head on. When he wrote it the pressure and suffering had already begun and he said it would get even worse. Of course, …

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Pure or Impure: The Choice is Ours

The Old Covenant beliefs were frequently faced with the possibility of becoming “impure” or “unclean” before God. Many things could create this state of uncleanness, like touching a dead body, or having open sores.  In the condition of uncleanness, they were disqualified from certain rights and privileges relating to association with others and to temple worship. In like manner, New …