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Forget Not All His Benefits

King David’s heart would have been overflowing with wonder and gratitude when he wrote the words of Psalm 103:2; “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” That exhortation is as true today as it was David’s time. In truth, thanks to the work of Jesus, He has done even more for all born again Christians …

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Abraham’s Reckoning

For fifteen centuries following the flood of Noah, the world existed without the written Word of God. Yet, the Creator, in His infinite wisdom and love, did not leave humanity in spiritual darkness. He provided a witness, a tangible proof of His existence and His unwavering love for His creation. In this teaching we look closely at the book of …

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The Showdown Between Good and Evil

This teaching explores the pivotal event of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, following his baptism by John. This encounter was a culmination of the devil’s persistent attempts to thwart the Messiah’s mission. God’s allowance of this temptation served as a testament to Jesus’ preparedness for the challenges ahead. The teaching delves into the role of the Word of God in …

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Know Thy Enemy: Standing Firm in the Spiritual Battle

Before you fight a war, it’s always good to know as much as you can about your enemy. Nowhere is this statement more true than in the spiritual realm. Many Christians do not take our Adversary seriously because they simply do not know enough about him. In fact, the Devil’s cleverest strategy is to make people believe that he does …

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The Way of Yahweh

In 1998 the rock band Chicago released a song titled, “All Roads Lead to You.” The message of that song was that no matter where you go or what you do, you will always be led back to the one you love. Such a warm and fuzzy sentiment, on the surface, certainly appears to offer profound wisdom on the ways …

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Who Am I?

The story of King David teaches us valuable lessons about prayer. In 1 Chronicles 17:1, David is described as sitting in his grand cedar house after defeating the Philistines with the help of Yahweh, the God of Israel. Feeling convicted that God’s dwelling place should not be a simple tent, David expresses his desire to build a permanent house for …

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Growing Up In The Lord

In his first letter to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul, in a spirit of loving reproof, told them that they were babes in Christ. He told them that he was only able to feed them with milk, that they were unable to digest meat. He told them the reason for this unfortunate state of affairs was that they were carnal …

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Cast Your Cares to God

In his first epistle, Peter exhorts you to cast all your cares to your heavenly Father. Furthermore, you are given complete assurance that He is both willing and able to relieve you of those cares, all of them, both the big and the small. But there is a reason beyond your own self that God wants you to allow Him …

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Embracing Ephesians

Ephesians presents a beautiful picture of the Christian life. It reminds us that we are chosen and adopted into God’s family, redeemed and forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This truth fills us with a sense of awe and gratitude, knowing that we are beloved children of God and nothing can ever separate us from His love. Have we …

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The Supremacy of God’s Word

As believers, we are constantly faced with the internal battle between our flesh and our spirit. This struggle is not dependent on our level of maturity or spirituality, as even the most devout individuals can find themselves in a constant tug-of-war between these two opposing forces. The battle between the flesh and the spirit is an ongoing struggle for all …