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The Two Natures Of The Believer

When the Christian is saved, he or she is filled with holy spirit. At that time, the person becomes a unique creation of God in Christ. No longer is he reliant on the external law but now has the inner witness of Christ within. But, while being God’s new child, the person at the same time retains the old fallen …

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Freedom to Serve

Galatians 5 and 6 succinctly defines the walk of the spirit in love. The early church at Galatia was beset by the religionists of the day, the Judaizers. Perfecting the flesh – the strictures of a works-based religion – was their false doctrine. At it’s center was their creed – “You must DO to be approved.” Paul confronts this and …

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Wholehearted Love

God doesn’t want much – He just wants all of you. It’s true. God wants your heart. Your whole heart. This isn’t selfishness on God’s part, since He is love. God wants our devotion, our commitment, our faithful loyalty, because God knows that when we enthrone him in our hearts, we are raised out of our mere human existence into …

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Listen… Do You Hear It? (Audio Only)

Our wonderful Heavenly Father places a great opportunity before us continually; that of listening. We were created to hear His voice above all others and with the precious gift of holy spirit we are truly endowed with the ability to listen and hear his voice. Adam was the first to be given this opportunity to listen to the Creator, but …

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The Poison Of Unforgiveness

One of the greatest types of giving is forgiving. When we think of the character of God, forgiveness is an extension of His mercy. He “forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases.” We simply cannot walk in intimate fellowship with Him without forgiveness. The fact is, unforgiveness arrests our spiritual development. It keeps us from being strong in …

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Strong in the Grace

God desires us to be strong in His Grace, which is something we need from Him every day. It’s not just a word to be used in our Christian circles. Grace is the lifeblood of the believer. Ephesians 1:8 tells us that God lavished the riches of this Grace upon us through his son, Jesus Christ. By God’s Grace, He …

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The Real Christmas Story (audio)

The Christmas story is important because the birth of Christ is important. The traditional story of His birth contains many errors, and presents a cold, hard, and lonely picture about the circumstances of his birth. This expository teaching explores and reveals a deeper, more accurate understanding of the customs, time and place, and other details that truly make the birth …

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Taming The Tongue

As Christians, we understand that we are involved in spiritual warfare. What we say takes on a significant role in how well we compete in this contest, for “life and death are in the power of the tongue.” In today’s teaching, we examine what scripture considers wholesome and honest communication, and what it considers destructive and misleading. We learn that, …

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Sanctification (Part 3)

This is part 3 of a series by Mike Tomberlin on Sanctification: Principles Of Walking In The Spirit – the hows of making a constant, conscious, and personal relationship with Jesus Christ a reality in your life. We should be profoundly thankful we have holy spirit from God and can understand spiritual matters. God gave us new life through Jesus …

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Enthroned at God’s Right Hand

God’s Word tells us of Jesus, who as a servant humbled himself to God’s will, was crucified, buried, resurrected and seated with God at his right hand, far above all principalities, power, mights and dominions. He was given a name which is above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, both in heaven and on …