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God’s Primary Will For Your Life

Many years ago I was taught that God has a primary will or plan for every believer’s life, which included everything from occupation, marital status, the precise person I should marry, and the exact role I should fill in the Body of Christ. This teaching went on to say that if I, as an individual believer, failed to find and …

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The Reckless Love Of God

God created humans to be His cherished companions on earth, but their free will often leads them to act cruelly and unlovingly towards Him. Throughout scripture, one of the prominent themes is God’s unwavering desire to be reunited with humanity. This is the driving force behind every major event recorded in the Bible. The ultimate manifestation of this persistent love …

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A Deeper Recognition of Christ

The genitive case in New Testament grammar is an important tool for understanding the relationship between Christ and his followers. It is used to express the idea of Lordship, with Christ as the Lord and the believer as the subject. It is also used to convey the idea of unity and dependence, with the believer relying on Christ for his …

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A Good Church, Who Can Find One?

I know scores of Jesus followers who love what he taught, what he did and how he freely gave his life on behalf of humanity. But the practice of their daily lives, unlike Jesus, is one of a solitary walk. Why do so many people who are believers of Jesus Christ fail to join themselves with other followers of Jesus. …

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Pure or Impure: The Choice is Ours

The Old Covenant beliefs were frequently faced with the possibility of becoming “impure” or “unclean” before God. Many things could create this state of uncleanness, like touching a dead body, or having open sores.  In the condition of uncleanness, they were disqualified from certain rights and privileges relating to association with others and to temple worship. In like manner, New …

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Worship Before Blessing

If you ask the average Bible student, “Why did God want the children of Israel to be set free from Egypt?”, most would answer, “So they could inherit the Promised Land”. But that is NOT what the scriptures teach us. Five times Moses tells Pharaoh to let the people go so that they may worship God in the wilderness. Was …

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The Dichotomy of Fear

Since the late 1980s we have all seen tee-shirts and placards displaying the phrase “No Fear”. While this popular mantra may give some degree of encouragement, it can also be misleading. While it may seem sensible to eliminate fear from our lives, not all fear is bad. It is a good thing to fear a sow Grizzly bear with cubs. …

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Cancel Cancel Culture

In today’s society, it is becoming increasingly common to encounter people demanding that we keep silent on certain topics. This can be extremely disconcerting, especially when we feel that we are standing on solid Biblical ground. Join us as Marc Dickie explores and discusses how we can respond to the hysterical mobs while still standing firm in our beliefs and …

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Making Good Judgment

Everyone values sound judgment in their daily lives. It is crucial for the Believer that judgment derives from God’s Word. The world can be very perplexing at times. It can be challenging to determine what is right or wrong given the wealth of information and opinions available. We have a unique opportunity as Christians to know the Truth from the …

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From Fellowship to Fear

A common thought about Christian fellowship is that it should produce comfort and encouragement. But how many of us look at fellowship as a source of godly fear? Yet, that is precisely what the first Christians experienced immediately following the Day of Pentecost. Acts 2 informs us that they followed a specific pattern of behavior, but the outcome wasn’t what …