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The True Lover of Your Soul

This teaching is money. It magnifies Jesus Christ, The Living Truth, who is your one and only true love, your everlasting Valentine. It was Jesus who defined love for mankind by showing us what he learned from his Father, God, who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. What does the Bible say about the relationship …

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Jesus Christ, Our Captain

The epistle to the “Hebrews” was written early on to formerly Jewish converts to Christianity. God’s goal was to show the Jews that the promised Messiah in the Old Testament had to suffer and die, and that Jesus of Nazareth was The Man of whom all the Messianic prophecies spoke. As we go through some fabulous excerpts in Hebrews, we’ll …

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Conjunction Junction, What’s Your Function?

On the eve of his birthday (and that of Sesame Street—seriously), John Lynn shared this teaching about the immeasurable significance of each human being in the Body of Christ, and the potential of each to be a human doing great things with the Lord. Since the dawn of time, what happened on the day you were born had never happened …

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Who The Devil Is Satan

In this teaching, John Lynn will go into the Word of God for an expose of our heavenly Father’s archenemy, the spirit being known by many names in Scripture, and to most people as “the Devil” or “Satan.” We will see four lies that Satan has very successfully gotten most people to believe, beginning with the big one: he doesn’t …

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Misunderstood Topics in Christianity Today

John Lynn makes another appearance on Rob Ekno’s Christian talk show, In Your Face. John covers a variety of topics that are grossly misunderstood among Christians today, such as Financial Giving, Baptism, the Sabbath, and Titles in the Church. Each of these errors stems from a lack of understanding as to what parts of the Bible are written to whom …

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Adrift in a Sea of Speculation

Making his tenth appearance on the Christian talk show, In Your Face, hosted by Rob Ekno, John will focus on how TLTF’s new class, ONE DAY WITH THE CREATOR, contains God’s answers to the pitiful state of mankind, most of whom are human pinballs caroming through life. He will show that God wants us to live from the inside out, …

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God’s Foreknowledge and Man’s Free Will

“He’s b-a-a-a-c-k!” John Lynn is on Rob Ekno’s In Your Face radio show once again, and this time the topic is God’s Foreknowledge and Man’s Free Will. Theological history shows that this is one hotly debated topic, and most Christians have been taught grievous error about it, error that makes it very difficult for them to love and trust God.

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Does The Bible Contradict Itself?

John Lynn was a featured guest on “In Your Face,” a Christian radio talk show hosted by Rob Ekno. The one-hour show originates in Los Angeles and is heard by about 300K people in more than 100 countries.

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The “Trinity” Explained

John Lynn was a featured guest on “In Your Face,” a Christian radio talk show hosted by Rob Ekno. The one-hour show originates in Los Angeles and is heard by about 300K people in more than 100 countries.