Jesus said that those who made the decision to follow him would experience suffering for having made that decision. The early church soon found out the truth of those words and Peter’s first epistle addresses that development head on. When he wrote it the pressure and suffering had already begun and he said it would get even worse. Of course, …
Standing Strong with First John (Part 2)
First John is a book of the Bible that speaks of the assurance of God’s love and the importance of living a life of obedience and faithfulness to Him. It is a powerful and inspiring reminder to stand strong in the faith and be faithful in our love for God and for one another. It calls us to keep our …
Standing Strong with First John (Part 1)
First John is a book of the Bible that speaks of the assurance of God’s love and the importance of living a life of obedience and faithfulness to Him. It is a powerful and inspiring reminder to stand strong in the faith and be faithful in our love for God and for one another. It calls us to keep our …
Living Out Your Redemption
As we face the mounting opposition and oppression in our lives, it is important to remember the spiritual reality of our redemption. Our redemption is an eternal spiritual victory in the face of any adversity. When we face the challenges of life, it is easy to forget this spiritual reality and instead focus on the immediate physical conditions we face. …
Your Heart: Friend or Foe? (audio)
As Christian’s, should we be following our hearts? There are many calls to “follow your heart” in movies, novels, slogans, blogs, and memes. Related pieces of advice are “trust yourself” and “follow your instincts.” A corollary dictum is “your heart will never lead you astray.” The problem is that none of these quips are biblically supportable. Rather than trust our …
The Biblical Perspective of Fellowship (audio)
Fellowship in our current Western culture has become a broadly used word to describe everything from government programs to civic organizations. Is fellowship just another way of describing a collective group or community or does it imply more? The Bible offers a much more nuanced picture of fellowship; one which will thrill the heart to perceive and practice. In this …
The Living Word Revealed
The purpose of the written Word is to reveal the Living Word (Jesus) who directs us to its source, God. Without pursuing a personal relationship with Jesus, the study of God’s Word falls into pointless and powerless academic pursuit. Scriptures continually point us to a living Savior who makes known our Heavenly Father that desires to have a deep relationship …
The Book of Lamentations (audio)
To lament is to express deep regret, grief, or sorrow. We can lament through words or actions. Lamenting is a common theme in the Bible. Which is why there is an Old Testament book named Lamentations. In it we see that God has given us an entire book of the Bible that teaches us how to navigate the valley of …
The Two Natures Of The Believer
When the Christian is saved, he or she is filled with holy spirit. At that time, the person becomes a unique creation of God in Christ. No longer is he reliant on the external law but now has the inner witness of Christ within. But, while being God’s new child, the person at the same time retains the old fallen …
Freedom to Serve
Galatians 5 and 6 succinctly defines the walk of the spirit in love. The early church at Galatia was beset by the religionists of the day, the Judaizers. Perfecting the flesh – the strictures of a works-based religion – was their false doctrine. At it’s center was their creed – “You must DO to be approved.” Paul confronts this and …