Jesus Christ is the only-begotten Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. He is God’s “Master Plan” to restore the original Paradise that Adam lost by way of his disobedience. Jesus of Nazareth is “the last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45). Typologically, he is the Passover Lamb of Exodus, the High Priest of Leviticus, and one aspect of his life and …
What’s the Point of Prayer?
FAQ: If, as the Bible says, God knows what we need, what is the point of prayer, and why should we spend valuable time praying to Him for something? I’m not sure—let me pray about it. Just kidding. The easy answer to the question is: because God tells us to (e.g., “Pray continually”). But that begs the question of why …
What Was Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh?
FAQ: What was Paul’s “thorn in the flesh”? I have heard Christians say all kinds of things about it, like Paul had an eye problem, or another illness, or even sinful lusts. Furthermore, many say that God gave him this affliction to test him or to keep him humble. What is the truth about it? Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” …
What Makes Christianity the Only Way to Everlasting Life?
JESUS CHRIST. Why? Because the opposite of life is death, and Jesus is the only man who ever conquered death. There is historical proof of the resurrection of Christ that will stand up in any honest court of law. Man’s chief problem is death, which was brought on by the sin of Adam. Simply put, the Bible is the story …
What Is “Sin”? How Can I Know Right From Wrong?
In the simplest of terms, sin is “missing the mark,” that is, failing to obey something that God tells us to do. In today’s “postmodern” culture where there is supposedly no absolute standard for Truth, too many people move the target, as it were, after the fact in order to make it look as if their behavioral arrow hit the …
What is “Faith”?
The Greek word translated “faith” is pistis, and it simply means “trust.” In what? A rational, intelligible promise. Faith is not superstition. Nor is it as modern dictionaries say: “A belief not based on reason.” Just the opposite. When God says, “Take my Word for it,” faith says YES. Because God gave man free will, faith is the simplest thing He …
What Is The Secret?
What is The Secret that I hear about on television and which is now a book/movie? FAQ: What is “The Secret” that I hear about on television and which is now the title of both a book and a movie? Its proponents are calling it a global phenomenon. The Secret web site says that it reveals the most powerful law …
What is the Importance of Water Baptism?
Nothing, if we read those parts of the Bible that are written TO US as Christians. Never in the Church Epistles are Christians told to baptize anyone in water. In fact, Paul said that the Lord Jesus did not send him to baptize (1 Cor. 1:17). Why? Because water baptism was a part of the Mosaic Law for Israel (Heb. 9:10), and that …
What Is Speaking In Tongues, and Is It For Today?
No doubt that is a question asked by millions of Christians throughout the centuries. Knowing the answer is vital for maximizing the quality of one’s life as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because, as a study of Scripture will clearly show, speaking in tongues is the only absolute proof a Christian has that he is born again …
What is Slain in the Spirit?
[This is an excerpt of Appendix E, “Slain in the Spirit” from our book: The Gift of Holy Spirit: The Power to Be Like Christ] The experience called “slain in the Spirit” usually occurs in churches when the minister or speaker has an altar call and puts his hand on the forehead of the person who has come forward for …