How many people do you think are out there yearning for the Truth? It’s a profound question that invites us to reflect on the deep spiritual hunger that exists in every corner of the world. The Bible indicates that, largely due to the insidious influence of Satan and the challenges it presents, the seekers of Truth will always comprise only …
Moving From “Need” to “Want”
At some stage in life, everyone has embraced a challenging endeavor with a mix of excitement and hopeful anticipation. We approach these tasks aware that we might not be fully prepared, yet we carry an unwavering confidence. Once we achieve our goal, we celebrate the success, imperfections and all. That feeling of “I did it!” is something that can be …
The New Covenant has a New Commandment
God’s new covenant with Israel, and subsequently with all nations, transcends the concept of a mere contract. Unlike a contract that can be negotiated, amended, or even broken, a covenant is something much deeper and more profound. It represents a fusion, a sacred joining of lives in love, where both parties invest themselves entirely and unconditionally into the relationship. This …
Make a Choice for Christ
Moment by moment, day by day, we face an essential decision that our Lord places before us: the choice to obey Him or to follow the desires of the flesh. This is not merely a one-time decision, but rather a continual, ongoing commitment that defines the essence of our walk of faith. Each day presents us with opportunities to embrace …
Call Evil by its Name
In today’s world, moral ambiguity often complicates peoples choices, making the line between right and wrong increasingly unclear. For believers, recognizing and confronting evil has become an essential message. The Bible provides profound wisdom on the importance of distinguishing between good and evil and courageously naming evil for what it is. Through studying the Scriptures, we gain an understanding of …
Maturing Through Love
As I mature into senior citizen status, I’m acutely aware of this one reality, “My own spirituality grows or wanes in direct proportion to my recognition and acceptance of God’s love for me”. My mind consistently seeks approval from all the wrong sources; the respect of my peers or other material world evidence that “I’m okay”. Yet my heart yearns …
Resetting Creation Through the Flood
The Genesis flood narrative raises several questions, particularly from a modern scientific perspective, such as the universal nature of the flood, the logistics of animal transport to the ark, and the behavior of the animals. Critics often dismiss the biblical account as a fairy tale due to these queries, missing the primary theological intent of the text. The original audience …
Mockery Will Fail
After observing only portions of the 2024 Olympic Ceremonies, I am more convinced than ever that we are living in a very dark and confusing day. One of the celebrated figures was a mysterious cloaked figure riding a mechanical horse. Another was what appeared to be a reenactment of Da Vinci’s painting of The Last Supper; only it featured men …
Unsung Heroes
Since the day of Pentecost, which marked the birth of the Christian Church, there have indeed been a select few believers whom God has chosen for high-profile assignments or to hold positions that attract public attention. These individuals often garner admiration and recognition for their extraordinary contributions to the faith, standing out in the spotlight of ministry, leadership, and influence. …
Forget Not All His Benefits
King David’s heart would have been overflowing with wonder and gratitude when he wrote the words of Psalm 103:2; “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” That exhortation is as true today as it was David’s time. In truth, thanks to the work of Jesus, He has done even more for all born again Christians …