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God’s Purpose with Humanity

The profound question of life’s purpose echoes through the ages, a query that has captivated philosophers and theologians alike. While some seek answers in the complexities of human existence, others turn to God’s Word for answers. In the very first pages of the Bible, God reveals His intent for humanity – to create beings in His own image. This declaration, found in Genesis, sets the stage for understanding the core purpose of our existence. Being made in the image of God implies a profound connection, a reflection of His qualities, attributes, and potential. However, the reality is that we have strayed from this original blueprint, succumbing to the allure of sin and self-centeredness. The consequences of this deviation are evident in the brokenness and suffering that permeate our world. Yet, within this narrative of fallen humanity, there lies a glimmer of hope. We are called to reclaim our God-given purpose, to walk in the path of righteousness and love, and to strive towards becoming more like the image of our Creator. This journey requires a deliberate effort, a conscious pursuit of holiness and a relentless commitment to living out the values that define God’s character. Through repentance, forgiveness, and the transformative power of faith, we can begin to bridge the gap between our fallen state and the glorious destiny that God intended for us.

In this teaching we take a look at the calling to be the image of God; how we have drifted away from it, and what we can do to make it our heart’s pursuit.

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