I believe that Evolution is the cruelest religion in the history of humanity. Please allow me to elaborate.
I refer to Evolution as a religion because it requires faith to accept its premises and conclusions. Any ideology which requires faith is a religion. Some say it is a science, but it isn’t, and this is why. Science is the study of things as they exist, in order to surmise their origin, composition, and behavior in certain environments. Evolution does none of these things. Evolution begins with a simple assumption that “everything” came from “nothing”. This one presupposition is outside of the definition of science. Yet it is the cornerstone of Evolutionism. “Nothing” cannot even be defined since “nothing” contains neither matter nor energy of any kind. Therefore, there is simply no means for evolution to even begin, if in fact there was only “nothing” at the beginning.
Another of the many problems with Evolution was noted by Charles Darwin himself. Once he pointed to the fossil records as evidence of evolution by noting many similarities in skeletal structures. Yet he was also perplexed by the fossils, addressing the problem of the fossil records he noted, “Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links?” What Darwin observed was that there were no transitional forms in the fossils. If birds evolved from lizards, then one would expect to find numerous fossils of mutated lizards on their ascent to become birds. Yet, as Darwin noted, these transitional forms simply do not exist. It is these “missing links” that have been a thorn in the side to Evolution preachers for decades.
The cruelty of Evolution is that it offers no purpose or design to life. With Evolution we are all just a random collection of molecules no different than any other collection of molecules anywhere in the world. A human is no better than a rock or a starfish or an orangutan (some will argue that the orangutan is better than a human). This belief leads people away from our Creator, YAHWEH and into a world where nothing is truly certain, and life is governed by random chance.
In the book of Romans, the scriptures testify that every man will be held accountable before God because His creation is clearly observable to all. Everyone can see the detail and complexity of life knowing that it was not created by humans. This alone puts humanity in the place of being “without excuse”. Herein lies the evil of the religion of Evolution. It leads people away from a living Creator who created, to a faith belief that life came from non-life.
Romans 1:20
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
After thousands of years of fallen humans running the world, polluting it, destroying it and filling it with every kind of toxicity, it is still far more beautiful and wonderful than any alternative. Space is not our final frontier, God is! It is He who created us for his glory and we become our best self when we live in harmony with Him and His creation.
Jeremiah 10:12
“God made the earth by His power; He established the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding.”
On our website TLTF.ORG we offer over 40 free videos about the Creation vs Evolution conflict. I would highly encourage you to check them out. When people come to realize that Evolution is not a science but is a religion, perhaps they will begin to ask more pertinent questions like, “Why am I here?” (We have an answer for that one too!)
As believers in Christ, we are not evolving but we can be transforming into his image as we put on the mind of Christ in every area of life. May we become so transformed that we can win those who are lost in this evil religion of nothingness some call Evolution.
Yours in Christ,
Excellent article. This cruel religion has deceived many. Thank you for sharing this. It is so important for us to know as well as our children and grandchildren.