For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20)

Darwinian Evolution
If Darwin was alive today, knowing what we know about living things, would he still be an Evolutionist? Charles Darwin’s theories changed what the world believes about biological naturalism. His contributions to science are legendary, yet he knew nothing about the complexity of living things. (47 min)

Why the Earth Can’t be Old
Is the Earth 4.5 billion years old? How can we measure age with certainty? What about radiometric dating methods—don’t they prove millions and billions of years? Does the age of the Earth even matter? This presentation discusses these topics and more, focusing especially on why an old Earth sits in conflict with the Bible, while also providing evidence for a younger age of the Earth. (51 min)

Creative Creatures
Nature is full of creatures which are designed with amazing features needed to both survive and thrive in their environment. These design features could never develop in a step at a time manner over long time periods because they are composed of multiple parts which all need to be present at once or nothing works. Gradual mutational changes over long periods of time fail to explain any of this stunning complexity. (48 min)

Against the Tide
This is a story of one man’s daring stand against the tide of contemporary atheism and its drive to add belief in God to society’s catalogue of dead ideas. This film brings together the evidence from science and history as it battles for the truth about God by showing the difference solid evidence can make! (1:51 min)

Genesis: Paradise Lost
The increasing attack on the idea that God created the heavens and the earth remains a battleground for which many Christians are unprepared. By allowing people to experience creation and to understand the science behind it reinforces how an intelligently designed universe matches both scientific facts and Scripture. (1:49 min)

Fingerprints of Our Creator
The amazing complexity of life is most clearly seen as we examine the complexity of DNA and proteins. Every experiment ever done confirms this fact of science – chemicals never come alive by themselves and the more we learn about how a living cell operates, the less excuse we have for rejecting our Creator. (26 min)

The Moses Controversy
The chronicle of an investigative filmmaker who goes to the Middle East to find whether Moses wrote the Book of Exodus. This film reveals amazing new evidence connected to Moses’ ability to write the first books of the Bible and why most mainstream scholars are blinded to that possibility today. (2:48 min)

Races & Human Populations
The Bible claims all people are descendants of Adam and Eve, and also from Noah’s three sons and daughters-in-law. Is this possible? How did we get to seven billion people from six people in just several thousand years? Where did all the human races come from if we only started with two people? The answers are very enlightening. (26 min)

The God Who Speaks
There is a war raging around us. It is not a battle over marriage, race, or the sexual revolution. Rather, it is a battle for the truth. Is God real? Does He speak, and if so, how would we know? This film answers common objections about the Bible's reliability and equips believers to confidently base their lives on the power of God’s Word. (1:31 min)

The Real Jurassic World
How could a 68 million year old Tyrannosaurus Rex bone still contain soft tissue? Recently, paleontologists were stunned to find soft and pliable tissue still remaining in dinosaur fossils. Since biological material cannot survive for millions of years, evidence points that the dinosaur fossils are actually only a few thousand years old. (26 min)

A Question of Origins
During the past century, much of the world has accepted the theory of Evolution as fact. Yet the molecules-to-man theory has no direct evidence to support it at all. Origins provides overwhelming evidence in favor of Creation. (1:01 min)

The Case for a Creator
This film examines scientific evidence to answer the questions: Does modern science confirm the theory that life and the universe are the products of blind, materialistic processes, or is there a purpose, plan, and transcendent design behind all that exists? (1:36 min)

In this unforgettable documentary you’ll be captivated by the design and beauty of butterflies. Amazed by their behaviors and filled with wonder by the stunning evidence for intelligent design revealed in their magnificent wings. (1:04 min)

In this unforgettable documentary you’ll be captivated by the design and beauty of butterflies. Amazed by their behaviors and filled with wonder by the stunning evidence for intelligent design revealed in their magnificent wings. (1:05 min)

Living Waters
Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth is a fascinating exploration of life in the liquid universe that covers more than 70% of our planet. This remarkable documentary celebrates the beauty and brilliance of the biological systems that make life in the oceans possible. (1:09 min)

The Genius of Birds
Place a bird feeder in your backyard, and before long many types of birds will come zipping by. We can take these amazing creatures for granted, but each one represents a stunning solution to aeronautical engineering problems. Does the undirected evolutionary process of natural selection truly explain bird origins – or does their existence point to an intelligent designer? (27 min)

The Fibonacci Sequence
Math is logical, functional and just fascinating. This video explores hidden properties of that weird and wonderful set of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio. Leonardo Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician, considered to be the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages. (7 min)

God’s Connection to DNA
A DNA fusion seems to have suddenly appeared 200,000 years ago, and this video explains what scientists are trying to make of it today. When studying the Sepher Yetzirah “The Book Of Creation,” a sacred 3000 year old Hebrew text, a message was discovered. As science becomes more and more extensive, we are astounded at what is being discovered. (11 min)

Evolution Vs God
Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world’s top universities, as they study the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches and Lenski's bacteria—all under the microscope of the Scientific Method—observable evidence from the minds of experts. Prepare to have your mind blown! (35 min)

The Atheist Delusion
Having to prove the existence of God to an atheist is like having to prove the existence of the sun, at noon on a clear day. Yet millions are embracing the foolishness of atheism. “The Atheist Delusion” pulls back the curtain and reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny the obvious. (60 min)

Amazing Flagellum
Where did life come from? How did it begin? Did it come from an undirected, natural process or is it the result of a designing intelligence? In this video, Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Stephen Meyer discuss the evidence for intelligent design as the best explanation for the origin of life. Meyer explains what scientists have learned about cells and DNA since the time of Charles Darwin. (3 min)

Alien Intrusion
Millions of people have seen UFOs and many even recall personal encounters with strange entities. When one examines this phenomenon, one of the most disturbing but powerful affirmations of the spiritual realm, Christianity and the Bible becomes clearer. This documentary seeks to solve one of the most haunting and persistent mysteries of our time by addressing UFO sightings. The truth will surprise you! (1:49 min)

Darwin's Dilemma
Investigate a mystery that Darwin never solved as you journey to a prehistoric world of amazing creatures and unanswered questions in this new documentary. This documentry explores one of the great mysteries in the history of life: The geologically-sudden appearance of dozens of major complex animal types in the fossil record without any trace of the gradual transitional steps Charles Darwin had predicted. (1:13 min)

Dissent From Darwinism
A growing number of scientists are speaking up against the claims of Darwinian evolution. Recently, there has been a petition signed by over one-thousand Ph.D.'s in many fields of scientific study. The petition that states skepticism of the evidence of the Darwinian theory should be allowed, and that careful examination of this theory should be encouraged and not prevented by any institute of learning. (5 min)

This documentary challenges the paradigm of scientific materialism and the belief that life is nothing more than the product of blind, undirected processes. With spectacular computer animation and cutting-edge research, Origin examines a question that has baffled science for centuries: How did life on Earth begin? (45 min)

Evolutions Achilles Heels
Documentary featuring 15 PhD scientists reveals the fatal flaws of evolutionary theory. Answers to Natural Selection, Genetics and DNA, The Origin of Life, The Fossil Record, The Geologic Record, Radiometric Dating, and Cosmology all fall short of the Evolution theory, which has no answer to these weaknesses, once properly explained and understood. (1:37 min)

God Of Wonders
Explore what God's creation reveals about His power, wisdom, justice, and love. It examines the size of the universe, the symmetry of snow crystals, the complexity of DNA, and more. This documentary explores the Wonders of Creation, Conscience, and the Glory of God. All true science leads to "In the beginning God created." (1:25 min)

Intelligent Design
Where did we come from? How did we get here? What brought us into existence? The theory of evolution is widely accepted as a fact of science rather than a theory. Many leading science are rejecting Darwins theory for many reasons. Dr. Stephen Meyer and Dr. John Ankerberg examine the origin of life and how the complexity of creation indicates an Intelligent Designer. (24 min)

Is Genesis History?
Explains how the world intersects with the history recorded in Genesis. From rock layers to fossils, from lions to stars, from the Bible to artifacts, this video will change the way you see the world. Providing reasonable answers to Creation, a real Adam and Eve, an actual fall, a global flood, and a tower of Babel. In an exploration of two competing views yet one compelling truth. (1:44 min)

Single Protein Forming by Chance
Does man actually understand how the basic set of molecules, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins, were made and how they could have coupled into the proper sequences, and then transformed into the ordered assemblies until there was the construction of a complex biological system, and eventually to that first cell, a protein made from scratch? (9 min)

Starling Murmurations
Murmuration refers to the phenomenon that results when thousands of Starling birds fly in swooping, intricately coordinated patterns through the sky. In southern England a flock of 200,000 Starlings congregate to soar in breathtaking formations. How do they fly in such an amazingly coordinated way? (4 min)

The Created Universe
Scientists don't really know if the universe is finite or infinite, but according to our recent studies, the observable universe is much larger than we understand. With the latest technology advances we can see the universe is about 93 billion light years in diameter. Just try and wrap your head around that! This video animation illustrates mind blowing facts about the universe we live in. (3 min)

The Master Designer
We live in a world that is inspired. Filled with majestic order, unbelievable beauty, and brilliant design. With the advance of science we see life in intricate detail and mind-blowing wonder. The raging question of our time is "How did this all come to be?" Can it all be attributed to unintelligent random processes? Or is there another explanation? (1:16 min)

Darwin VS Design
The New Atheists are authors of early twenty-first century books promoting atheism. They make substantial use of the natural sciences in both their criticisms of theistic belief and in their proposed explanations of its origin and evolution. They draw on science for recommended alternatives to religion. (52 min)

The Privileged Planet
Utilizing stunning computer animation, interviews with leading scientists, and spectacular images of Earth and the cosmos, explores a startling connection between our capacity to survive and our ability to observe and understand the universe. Is this correlation merely a coincidence? Or does it point to a deeper truth about purpose and intelligent design within the cosmos? (1:32 min)

Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Unlocking the Mystery of Life is a science program exploring what DNA reveals about the origin of life. It documents how scientists are abandoning naturalistic explanations for the origin of genetic information and looking to theories of design for answers. In almost every scientific discipline there is new found evidence that supports the theory of intelligent design. (1:07 min)

Where Does The Evidence Lead?
Where did life come from? How did it begin? Did it come from an undirected, natural process or is it the result of a designing intelligence? In this video, Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. Stephen Meyer discuss the evidence for intelligent design as the best explanation for the origin of life. Meyer explains what scientists have learned about cells and DNA since the time of Charles Darwin. (1:52 min)

Surprise, the Bible Explains That!
Scientific research continues to unfold the wonders and mysteries of our universe. Fairly often secular scientists are very puzzled and surprised by what they discover. Many of these discoveries just don’t lineup up with their worldview. However, in many of these cases, the Bible actually makes perfect sense of what we see, anticipating these findings thousands of years in advance. (26 min)

The Darwin Effect
Talks about the lasting legacy of Charles Darwin, who was the figurehead that still drives many people today into atheism. It showcases experts who present evidence from science, along with other important facts validating the truth of creation and the accuracy of the Bible. It also exposes who the most evil man in histroy was. (23 min)

Let's talk about UFOs! Are we alone in the Universe? Did God create aliens? Is there life on other planets? Do peoples experiences define what is real? The topic of discussion leads to how the Bible interprets beings from beyond. Is what people are experiencing spiritual in nature, or is it a fact that ET is really trying to phone home. (22 min)

Noah’s Flood Genetics
What evidence do we have for Adam and Eve, Noah's Flood and the Tower of Babel event in the human genome? The historical claims about human history in the Bible are quite clear. Yet, most evolutionists reject these claims based on a superficial study of available genetic data. This documentry will reveal not only can the claims be tested, but they can be confirmed. (25 min)
“God made the earth by His power; He established the world by His wisdom and stretched out the heavens by His understanding.”
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”