The concept of faith is not the sole factor in the ‘equation’ that governs our lives. A thorough examination of the teachings of the Bible reveals that prayer, the intensity of spiritual warfare, and the support of fellow believers also play significant roles in shaping our experiences. The fervent prayers of God’s people hold great significance in the fulfillment of God’s will, as prayer serves as a catalyst for transformation – both in individuals and in circumstances. It is indeed a tragedy that the potential impact of prayer has been undervalued. Prayer should not be reduced to mere repetition of scripted words; it is a sacred communion with God and Jesus Christ.
Jesus himself had a remarkably potent prayer life, setting aside hours to commune with God in solitude. This serves as a clear demonstration of the value and significance of prayer. The Bible is filled with commands, not mere suggestions, to pray. Verses such as “Devote yourselves to prayer…” (Colossians 4:2), “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17), “be faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12), and “pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests” (Ephesians 6:18) highlight the importance of prayer in our lives. These are just a few examples, as there are many more scattered throughout the Bible. The apostle Paul understood that our prayers have the power to impact the success or failure of others: “On Him [God] we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers” (2 Corinthians 1:10b and 11a).
Numerous followers of Christianity have set goals to pray, yet often give up when they do not witness immediate outcomes. Christ acknowledged this inclination and shared a parable with his disciples, emphasizing the importance of consistently praying and not giving up. In this parable, Jesus encourages us to persist in our prayers. He also provides us with ‘the Lord’s Prayer’ as a guide for proper prayer, teaching us to be confident, unwavering, and specific in our petitions.
As each day passes, the parameters of malevolence continue to expand, bolstered by a fatalistic indifference that allows it to flourish unchecked. However, it is imperative for Christians to stand firm against evil, a task that begins with acknowledging its existence and understanding that God is not responsible for its existence. We were born to fight this battle! Every follower of Christ is a warrior, a vital member of God’s army engaged in spiritual warfare. It is vital that we never lose sight of this truth, for when we do, our actions become aimless, and our focus becomes blurred. We forget our purpose for being born, neglect our training and preparation for the battlefield, and ultimately, we perish without ever knowing our purpose in life. Most significantly, we fail to fulfill the mission for which we were sent – which becomes a victory for the enemy.
The sole solid ground for a Christian’s prayer life is their trust in the Word of God. As recorded in Mark 11:24, Jesus emphasized the importance of having faith when praying. Prayer and faith in the Scriptures work together seamlessly. With unwavering belief in God’s promises, we have the power to pray for them to come to fruition. Thus, it is crucial for every believer to be well-versed in the written Word of God, as it serves as our foundation for understanding the possibilities of prayer and the proper mindset to have while praying.
Once we eliminate any lingering doubt that evil has a place in God’s eternal plan, we are more motivated to take action against it. Throughout his entire ministry, Jesus rebelled against the evil he encountered. He never insinuated that any physical or spiritual sufferings he encountered were part of his Father’s plan. Instead, he saw them as coming from the Devil and fulfilled his Father’s plan by healing and delivering people. As followers of Christ, we should follow his example. We are called to pray for God’s will to be done (Matt. 6:10), not to simply accept things as if his will is already being carried out.
Prayer is not about pressuring God to do something He doesn’t want to do, but rather it is about grasping onto His eagerness. God’s attitude towards mankind is evident through His act of sending His only Son. By means of the Lord Jesus Christ, God is constantly extending His hand to bless His children with ‘every good and perfect gift’ (James 1:17). Through prayer, which is rooted in an understanding of God’s Word that unveils His desires and readiness. As His children we can lay hold of His abundant assurances.
God desires for us to join Him as partners, not because He lacks wisdom but because He values our fellowship. The individual making the request holds significance to God. Our requests hold importance to Him because He cares for us deeply. He has a loving and personal relationship with us, not one of control or deception, but one of collaboration and teamwork. We are His co-workers (1 Cor. 3:9). This was not a necessity, but a choice made by God to have a mutually loving relationship, where dialogical prayer plays a vital role.
Biblical characters prayed boldly because they believed their prayers could change things – even influencing God’s decisions. They recognized that their relationship with God allowed them to play a role in shaping the future. God has pathways that lead to the future and He invites us to collaborate with Him in choosing which ones to take. Through prayer, we create an opening for Him to work in our lives, opening up new possibilities for God to carry out His plans. This dialogue with God has a transformative effect on both parties and alters the situation, making it different from what it was before. In essence, our faithful prayers have the potential to enable God to do what He otherwise could not have done without our involvement.
It cannot be stressed enough the significance of every Christian’s ability to make their own choices. The teachings of the Bible regarding the rewards we will receive from God serve as validation of His recognition of our personal response to His teachings. He acknowledges our contributions as we work alongside Him. Despite this, many Christians downplay their own efforts and reject sincere gratitude from others, instead attributing all success to God. Yet, the Bible reveals that true glorification of God comes from acknowledging the power He has bestowed upon us and utilizing it to follow His commands.
In His love,
Thank you, Franco. I am especially motivated to pray with the mindset of working with the Father. I have found it hard to pray lately, because of the intensiveness of the battles, and how big they seem. Your article reminds me that God wants to bring His son’s Kingdom to this earth, where justice and peace abound, even more than I want it. We are partners, and it is a privilege!
Your sister in Christ,
Franco, fantastic and thoughtful article. I too, continue to learn the importance of prayer. It is true fellowship with God. What an honor. What a privilege. All be our willingness to do. I am setting this article in a folder, to read again and again.
Thank you,
Anne Richards