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Crouching Sin… Redeeming Savior

Genesis 4:6,7Then Yahweh said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why has the expression of your face fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do well, sin crouches at the door. Its desire is for you, but you are to rule over it.” This is one of the most enlightening dialogues recorded …

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Truth in Troubled Times

From the moment Adam and Eve chose their own way over God’s way in the Garden of Eden, difficulty and pain have been an unyielding component in the story of humanity. Sin impacted all of creation, introducing suffering and damaging everything from our personal relationships to nature itself. The effects of sin can be felt in our lives today, manifesting …

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Don’t Fear Religious People … WIN THEM!

In the past few weeks, I’ve had the blessing of guest speaking at some local non-denominational churches. These small local assemblies are full of people with a genuine love for God and a desire to know the Bible more fully. At each church, people approached me afterwards to either ask questions or to offer positive comments about the message I’d …

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God’s Witness to His Witnesses

As Christians, we are given the task, privilege, and honor of being witnesses for God. We are to share His Word and His love with the world, leading others to Him and introducing them to His grace and mercy. But, how often do we take the time to consider what God is saying to His witnesses? What does He have …

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Freedom in Christ

This month the United States of America will celebrate July 4th in remembrance of the ratification of our Declaration of Independence. Both in the preamble and the epilogue they acknowledge the Creator God as the both the author and protector of freedom. It was their reliance upon God that gave them the courage to take their stand and declare truth …

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A Nation Founded On Truth

Here in the United States, this Tuesday will be our nation’s 247th birthday, and as Christians, we have the opportunity to reflect on our birth and life as a nation. The United States of America is the only nation in the world that was founded on a creed. Other nations were founded on the basis of common ancestry, geographic boundaries, or …

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Righteous or Self-Righteous

Righteousness in the Bible carries two essential meanings. First, it is the state of being right according to God’s standards. The other meaning carries the sense of having been declared not guilty. One who is declared not guilty, is not of necessity living righteously. Throughout the Bible, God declared many people righteous, but it is through faithfulness to live according …

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This day is celebrated to designate what happened in Acts 2 when for the first time God made it available for human beings to be born again of incorruptible seed and filled with the gift of holy spirit, the divine nature of God and His Son. On that day, people were instantly and permanently equipped with the same power that …

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The Blessing of God

The word “bless” and its derivatives is essentially a religious term that is rarely used secularly. We don’t hear a news commentator speaking of being blessed. Yet, blessings were a natural part of the reality God intended for humanity and His creation. The first blessing was to the creatures. Genesis 1:22And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, and …

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The Greatest Event In History

This month we celebrate the single event of human history which changed the course of the world… the death and resurrection Jesus of Nazareth. Beginning in Genesis chapter 3, God himself prophesied of Jesus and what he would accomplish for humanity. Yahweh God spoke directly to the serpent saying: Genesis 3:14,15 REV“Because you have done this, you are cursed above all …