[This is an excerpt from Chapter Twelve of our book: One God & One Lord: Reconsidering the Cornerstone of the Christian Faith] Lordship. To maximize our limitless spiritual potential, we as Christians must understand Jesus Christ in both his relationship to God and his relationship to us. Because Jesus perfectly represented God by always obeying His Word, he could, …
Does the Bible Ever Refer to Jesus Christ as God?
Considering the fact that the majority of Christians have been taught that Jesus is God, that is a very good question. And the answer is… “Yes, and No.” Huh? The answer is “Yes” only because most versions of the Bible wrongly capitalize the word “God” in Hebrews 1:8 and elsewhere. In a sense, the answer is also “Yes” because Jesus is called …
Can we “pray” to Jesus Christ?
[This is an excerpt from Chapter Thirteen of our book: One God & One Lord: Reconsidering the Cornerstone of the Christian Faith] There is a controversy among some Christians who believe that Jesus is not God about whether or not we can pray to Jesus. The only definitive place to go for an answer to that question is the Word …
Who Is Jesus Christ?
There are few questions that deserve more attention than this one. The Bible is the Word of God. It tells us about the life and death—and resurrected life—of the greatest man who ever lived. His name is Jesus Christ. For centuries men have debated the identity of this unique man. How did he do the things he did? We assert …
What Does the Bible Say about Holy Communion?
FAQ: I am confused about what many churches call “Holy Communion.” Why is there so much discrepancy in how different churches do it? Some use bread, others use wafers; some use wine, others use grape juice; some do it daily, others do it weekly, yearly, etc. What does the Bible say about taking Holy Communion and the Communion Service? I’m …
What Did Jesus Know and When Did He Know It?
During the summer of 1973, corrupt political practice was on the front page of every newspaper in the United States of America. Under investigation by a special Senate sub-committee was the President himself, Richard Milhouse Nixon. He had engineered what became known as the “Watergate” cover-up, and the committee was grilling his associates under the bright lights of the television …
When Was Jesus Born?
It is established that the eclipse recorded in Josephus occurred on January 9, 1 B.C., and that it was not long before this that Herod interviewed the Magi concerning the appearance of the star (December of 2 B.C.). When Herod discovered that the Magi would not be returning, he arranged to have the children in Bethlehem killed, and specified that …