FAQ: I read your FAQ about Speaking In Tongues, and I understand that it is one of the nine manifestations (not gifts) of holy spirit available to each and every Christian, the evidence of one’s New Birth, and a way to perfectly and intimately praise and worship God, but what is interpretation of tongues and how is it to be …
What Happens to a Person After Death?
First of all, who says you are going to die? Not God. How come? Because 1 Corinthians 15:51ff and 1 Thessalonians 4:13ff tell us that not all Christians will experience physical death! That’s right, many will still be living when the Lord Jesus comes to take the Church out of this dying world. So refer to the answer to Question 17 for how to …
What Does the Bible Teach About the Trinity?
Absolutely nothing. This may shock you, but, as every honest Trinitarian will admit, the word “Trinity’ is nowhere in Scripture. Neither are the curious terms, “God the Son” nor “three-in-one” nor “all God and all man,” nor any of the other extra-biblical terminology that Trinitarian theologians use in their convoluted and desperate defense of this inconceivable doctrine. No honest Trinitarian scholar …
What Does the Bible Say About “Tithing?”
Nothing, if we read those parts of the Bible that are written TO US [See “THE END Times” class to understand what is written to Christians] as Christians. Never in the Church Epistles are Christians told to tithe. Why? Because “tithing” was a part of the Mosaic Law for Israel, but Jesus Christ was the end of the Law for …
What Does the Bible Say about War?
FAQ: I know some Christians who say they are “pacifists” and that war is always wrong. Some go so far as to say they would not defend themselves even if someone tried to kill them. One called me a “militant” Christian because I said I would. What does the Bible say about war? While there are verses that some have …
What Does the Bible Say About Titles In the Church, Like “Reverend” or “Bishop” or “Cardinal” or “Pope”?
Never does any Scripture written to Christians, the Body of Christ, encourage anyone to use a title such as those rampant among Christians today. In the Old Testament, God had prescribed certain titles among the Jewish religious hierarchy (such as the “High Priest”), but the words of Jesus, spoken to those living in a culture rife with such titles in …
What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos and Body Piercings?
Many Christians teach that it is wrong to have a tattoo, but the only verse they can actually cite is Leviticus 19:28, where God is giving instructions to His people, the Israelites: “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves.…” In ancient cultures it was very common for followers of pagan religions to cut themselves either …
What Does the Bible Say About Suicide?
Nothing specific. Perhaps the real question is whether a Christian who commits suicide still has everlasting life, and the answer is a resounding YES. Why? Because, as per the answer to Question 21, salvation is permanent. If a person ever chose to be saved, that godly choice in essence swallows up all his ungodly choices from then on. Is suicide wrong? …
What Does the Bible Say About Sex Outside of Marriage?
We see in Genesis that SEX WAS GOD’S IDEA. Hooray! We also see that His original intention was that sex was to be employed and enjoyed only within the context of marriage, which is between one man and one woman. What was His purpose re: sex? (1) Bonding, becoming “one flesh,” comm-UNI-cation, mirrors the oneness between Christ and the Church, truly …
What Does the Bible Say About Masturbation? Is It a Sin?
Because God never mentions masturbation in the Bible, we cannot say it is a sin. So we must extrapolate from other relevant Scriptures. For example, Philippians 4:8—what kind of thoughts are you thinking? That brings up the related topic of pornography, which is absolutely rampant in the world today. Many men are prompted to masturbate while fantasizing about a naked woman …