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The Deception of Numbers

Twenty-first century Western Civilization seems to be awash with a fascination for numbers. Ideologies and political movements are no longer judged through thoughtful reason and dialogue. Rather their gravitas is determined by how many people accept or ascribe to a particular thought. Even the most outrageous positions are accepted as viable, so long as enough people agree. Such cultural norms …

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Back to Basics

Ever since I first heard the truth of God’s Word, my desire has been to share it with as many people as I can. Clearly, the best way for each of us to do that is to both live and speak that truth, like Jesus did. The first step in doing that is to know the truth. Titus 1:1“Paul, a …

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Don’t Fear Religious People … WIN THEM!

In the past few weeks, I’ve had the blessing of guest speaking at some local non-denominational churches. These small local assemblies are full of people with a genuine love for God and a desire to know the Bible more fully. At each church, people approached me afterwards to either ask questions or to offer positive comments about the message I’d …

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The Belt of Truth

Dear Truth Seeker,In these last days, the Body of Christ is clearly in an all-out spiritual war with the enemies of righteousness. This war is not with people but with the demonic forces which deceive millions and promote ungodliness and evil. I can make this claim with great confidence because it has been this way from the start. Ephesians 6:10-17 …

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2020: “I Can See Clearly Now…”

Perhaps you recognize this popular 1972 song, the chorus goes: “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.” And we can say, “a bright, bright sunshiny year.” That is because, as per Nehemiah 8:8 …

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What is an Evangelist?

What is an evangelist? That’s a good question, because you might be one. And if you are called (even if it was long ago) to such a function in the Body of Christ, surely you want to fulfill that calling and maximize your potential for the one who fulfilled his calling and died for you. Our risen Lord Jesus was …