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End of the World

John Lynn talks about the “end of the world” that didn’t happen and also addresses both the mass murder in Connecticut and the ensuing gun control furor. He explains why he has a DEATH SUCKS bumper sticker on his car rather than the insane one that says CO-EXIST.

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Christianity: Fantasy or Reality?

In keeping with the Christmas season and the myth of Santa Claus, John will talk about the incredible amount of mythology that the vast majority of Christians today believe. He will contrast Muthos vs. Logos, the two antithetical schools of thought in ancient Greece, and show how imaginary notions like the Trinity and the Immortal Soul, etc. essentially came from …

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Are “Dead” People Really Dead?

John Lynn was a featured guest on “In Your Face,” a Christian radio talk show hosted by Rob Ekno. The one-hour show originates in Los Angeles and is heard by about 300K people in more than 100 countries.

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The Importance of Prayer

Robert Witt is a guest on Rob Ekno’s In Your Face radio show and talks about prayer on National Prayer Day. Robert also discusses his life and how he went from being a confirmed atheist to an excited Christian.

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Dear Beloved of God, Well, it’s February, and the sugar cane workers have been hacking away furiously in order to meet the massive need for candy this month. The floral industry is flying in 747s full of roses. Greeting card companies are pumping out age-old messages dressed in new rhymes. Why? Because once upon a time someone who owned stock …

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Batman and Robin Discuss who is the REAL Dynamic Duo

Listen to a conversation between Batman and Robin after their stay at a Motel 6 while the Batcave was being renovated. Find out who the REAL Dynamic Duo is. Batman and Robin Discuss the REAL Dynamic Duo JUST TRUTH IT is dedicated to helping you understand the Word of God by providing accurate, sensible, inspiring, and entertaining biblical teaching so …

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Both Suns Are Always Shining

Think about the contrast between a gray, gloomy day and a day with bright sunshine. Think about how wonderful it is to feel the warmth of the Sun on your face on a cold day. Now think about how the Sun, 93M miles from earth, shines through every crack and crevice and makes the air almost three-dimensional as it illumines …

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Spending The Currency of Your Life

Time is the most precious commodity we have, because when we spend it, it cannot be replaced. How we use our time determines the quality of our lives, and the rewards we receive when the Lord Jesus comes for us. The Devil knows this, and does all he can to stop us from using our time to become like Christ …