What The Hell Is Heaven?

Remember that our Enemy, the Devil, focuses on distorting and contradicting the greatest of God’s truths, and that his very first lie (Gen. 3:4) was that there is no such thing as “death,” as that word is defined in every language on earth: “the end of life.”

Nearly all Christians, and even many non-Christians, believe that when someone dies, he goes directly to either “Heaven” or “Hell”—and stays there forever. No wonder we hear about “the living dead.” Those concepts so deeply permeate our culture that one hears them propounded nearly every day.

In this precise review of critical biblical truth, we look at the theological origins of each of the fallacious notions of “Heaven” and “Hell,” and contrast those to what God actually says in His Word. Be sure you understand these truths so that your True Hope is not distorted or diminished by Satan’s lies.

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