The “Body of Christ,” that is, all Christians, is the “secret of God” that came into being on the day of Pentecost. Each Christian has a unique part in God’s plan of redemption. Biblically, the uniqueness of its functionality is set forth in an analogy of the human body. Each part must function as it is designed in order for …
The Third Death
Most everyone knows of two deaths, the natural death that comes to all, and the second death in the lake of fire. But Jesus mentioned a third death – the death to SELF. This death, unlike the other two is something that every disciple of Christ should seek to experience. Dying to self is to deny our personal will, beliefs, …
All Stressed Up and No Where To Go
Learn how to overcome anxiety and stress. Some simple keys to help eliminate anxiety and stress. Enjoy more of the life Christ came to give us. If the teachings you find here bless you and help you in your Christian walk, please consider a donation to help us continue with our mission. Thank you!
Can You Imagine
God shows us many things as we continue in His Word. This heart sharing is one such adventure. A simple song of hope, together with the truth of the Word has magnified God’s hope in my heart and hopefully yours also. If the teachings you find here bless you and help you in your Christian walk, please consider a donation …
We are honored to join with you in reaching people around the world with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Your donations will help us reach out to those who hunger for Truth by way of wonderful teachings and fellowships. Your donation allows us to project a monthly operating budget and plan for upcoming projects, seminars, and events. We are …
Jesus Saves
What does it mean that Jesus saves? Why do we need to be saved? How does Jesus Save? Who did Jesus save? Learn the answer to these important questions! For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. (1 Timothy 2:5) If the teachings you find here bless you and help you in …
One Day With The Creator is a thrilling journey into the heart of God. As such, it highlights and exalts The Star of God’s show, the risen Lord Jesus Christ, the only man who ever conquered death. If you believe the Truth taught in this class, you can: • Have everlasting life • Know Jesus Christ as your Brother • …
One Day With The Creator Radio Promo – Growing in relationship with the author of life and His son. Presented by The Living Truth Fellowship. Visit our YouTube channel “Just Truth It” to watch the entire series.
Considering people’s widespread fascination with the “End Times” and the great number of “prophetic” ministries in Christendom, this seminar is a must for those who want to know that they know how The Best Book ends and everlasting life begins, and what to do in the meantime. Despite its clarity in Scripture, this information has been hidden from the vast …
TLTF Presents: Jesus Christ, The Diameter Of The Ages
We are thrilled to let you know Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages is now available. Welcome to this exciting course of study about Jesus Christ, far and away the most famous, most controversial, and most polarizing human being who ever lived. ENJOY!