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The War is Here… What Now?

Our world is spinning out of control. The most fundamental realities of life are under assault, and it seems most of earth’s human inhabitants are either ignorant, numbed or jaded about the inevitable outcome if we remain on the sidelines. What should Christ’s followers do? Do we march in the streets? Should we write letters of protest to our elected …

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Tell a Tale of His Goodness

If God is all good, all the time, then the evil we see and experience cannot originate from a good and Holy God. So, where does it come from? Why does He “allow” it? Why does nothing seem to be changing for the better? Have you ever felt disappointed in God to the point of considering giving up on Him …

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Your Heart: Friend or Foe?

As Christian’s, should we be following our hearts? There are many calls to “follow your heart” in movies, novels, slogans, blogs, and memes. Related pieces of advice are “trust yourself” and “follow your instincts.” A corollary dictum is “your heart will never lead you astray.” The problem is that none of these quips are biblically supportable. Rather than trust our …

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The Biblical Perspective of Fellowship

Fellowship in our current Western culture has become a broadly used word to describe everything from government programs to civic organizations. Is fellowship just another way of describing a collective group or community or does it imply more? The Bible offers a much more nuanced picture of fellowship; one which will thrill the heart to perceive and practice. In this …

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The Book of Lamentations

To lament is to express deep regret, grief, or sorrow. We can lament through words or actions. Lamenting is a common theme in the Bible. Which is why there is an Old Testament book named Lamentations. In it we see that God has given us an entire book of the Bible that teaches us how to navigate the valley of …

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Listen… Do You Hear It?

Our wonderful Heavenly Father places a great opportunity before us continually; that of listening. We were created to hear His voice above all others and with the precious gift of holy spirit we are truly endowed with the ability to listen and hear his voice. Adam was the first to be given this opportunity to listen to the Creator, but …

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The Real Christmas Story

The Christmas story is important because the birth of Christ is important. The traditional story of His birth contains many errors, and presents a cold, hard, and lonely picture about the circumstances of his birth. This expository teaching explores and reveals a deeper, more accurate understanding of the customs, time and place, and other details that truly make the birth …

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The Joy of Speaking in Tongues

TLTF Elders Marc Dickie and Corey Green share their hearts on the topic of Speaking in Tongues from a Praise and Worship point of view. They share about the glorious magnifying and magnificent exulting of God that Speaking in Tongues sets forth in the Word of God. They also discuss ways to expand on this important and primary aspect of …

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Speaking In Tongues

Speaking in tongues is one of the most vital things a Christian can do, so much so that God specifically says: “I would like every one of you to speak in tongues.” At the moment a person is born again by confessing Jesus Christ as his Lord and believing that God raised him from the dead, he receives the gift …

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Virgil Ramey looks at the word “THINK” in regards to bringing to mind remembrance before we speak. If the teachings you find here bless you and help you in your Christian walk, please consider a donation to help us continue with our mission. Thank you!