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The Truth the Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth

We’ve all heard those words, either in an actual courtroom or in a TV or movie portrayal, as a witness being sworn in promises to speak only the truth. But let us remember what comes after them, “So help me, God.” And God so values Truth that He will help anyone who is committed to being truth-full (cp. Ps. 51:6). …

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How’s Your Joie de Vivre?

Other than three years of early teen torture at Miss Gates Dancing School, the closest my wonderful parents came to child abuse was subjecting me to five years of French class in elementary school. Hence, I do recall the above French phrase, which literally means “the joy of life.” The dictionary defines it as, “a delight in being alive; keen, carefree enjoyment of living.” Given …

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Why Are Some People Cross About THE CROSS?

Consider this classic exhortation to us as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ:  Hebrews 12:1-3Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the …

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What Do You, King David, and Roger Maris Have in Common?

In 1927, Babe Ruth set the Major League Baseball record for most home runs in a season with 60 “dingers.” That mark stood until 1961, when another New York Yankee, Roger Maris, finally bested it with 61 circuit clouts. BUT, by that time the major league season had been extended from 154 games to 162, so Maris had eight more …

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“What Are You, NUTS?!”

The above quote was spoken by a cowardly French pea Israeli soldier in the classic Veggietales episode titled Dave And the Giant Pickle. He thought little French pea Dave was crazy to take on the giant briny cucumber. For his part, the courageous biblical David was simply doing “what came naturally” in his trusting relationship with his God. It was …

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The Greatest ROCK STAR of All Time

Hey, it’s Spring! That means SUNSHINE and probably more time outdoors in warmer weather. You might even go rock climbing, or do some star gazing. The greatest “rock star” ever? Hm-m. Buddy? Elvis? Fats? Aretha? Mick? The Beatles? Your teenage son and his garage band? Nope, it’s JESUS CHRIST! How so? Well, as The Chip off The Really Old Block, …

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The God of HOPE is Also The God of PROMISE

Dear Hopeful One, Twenty centuries ago this month, GOD was very pumped! Why? Because, about 4000 years into His plan of redeeming mankind to live with Him forever in Paradise, the Creator of the universe was about to reach His intermediate goal of…THE BABY!!!—His precious Son, mankind’s only HOPE. How? By keeping the greatest promise He ever made (Gen. 3:15), …

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True Christianity is Simply About Being in Love

I’m assuming you are MORE THAN SATISFIED, as that word means “content” and/or “convinced.” Those are fine qualities, but I hope you are ON FIRE. And we all know what a raging conflagration does—it spreads! It catches on to anything close to it that also has the potential to burn brightly. If you are married, I hope you are still …

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“Maybe, Just Maybe, God Can…”

First of all, JOYOUS NEW YEAR!!! PerHAPS this year some bad things will HAPpen to you. In fact, you will most likely have some misHAPS and therefore may not always be “HAPpy,” but manifesting THE JOY OF THE LORD is our choice, no matter the circumstances. When we launched The Living Truth Fellowship in early 2010, we very specifically chose …

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Some Keys To Spiritual Perseverance

That appellation sounds good, but what exactly does “stalwart” mean? Good question. “Strongly built; sturdy and robust; strong and brave; valiant; firm, steadfast, uncompromising.” Plenty of verses in God’s wonderful Word support those definitions as to who He has made you to be as His child and a minister in the Body of Christ. Yeah, I know, now all we gotta do is live …