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“Hey Jude!”

Do you own a copy of our priceless, one-of-a-kind book, One God & One Lord: Reconsidering the Cornerstone of the Christian Faith? If so, thank God it is 2014 and not 1553, and thank God you don’t live in Geneva, Switzerland. Why? Because if John Calvin had caught you with a copy of such a “heretical” work as ours, he …

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Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

It’s February, and the highlight of the month for many people is Valentine’s Day. There are differing accounts of who Valentinus was and what he did to generate this celebration named after him, but I think the most credible one is that he was the only son of a chocolatier/florist/greeting card manufacturer whose father commissioned him to do something noteworthy …

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Launch Out Into the Deep!

Happy New Year! It’s 2014, and I hope you are excited about the possibilities of God and Christ for you this year. How sad it must be for people who wake up day after day with no burning passion for anything. How sad for the millions who see no real purpose for their existence. “Life” has to be more than …

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Will You Go the Distance? WWPD?

Here we are at the end of another calendar year, and we Christians are still buying time, as it were. The Devil is grinding his teeth at the fact that his one-world government agenda, which includes a major economic reduction here in the USA, has yet to be fully accomplished. Why? Because, as everyone who Got The Chart, Got The …

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Are You Celebrating Thanksliving This Year?

November?? Already?! Yep. And for me, it marks my 70th birthday. Look at that number! If it were your age, I’d think you were getting up there. But it’s just me, in essence the same me that was once 6, 13, 21, 30, 40, 50, 60, 65. The same me that once for the first time shot a basketball, hit …

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Fighting the Good Fight of Faith

Wow, what a great month October is! Pro football, fantasy football, college football, hockey, soccer, NBA exhibition games, and the World Series! What a smorgasbord of athletic entertainment! But where do the results of all that blood, sweat, and tears fit in the eternal scheme of things? Even in the temporal realm, the winners’ fame and fortune are fleeting. And yet, …

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To Know Jesus Christ Is To Be In Love With Him

“BACK TO SCHOOL.” One reason those dreaded words elicited a “Yuk!” from me is that very little I was taught arrested my attention. It was not until someone excitedly pointed me to the Word of God—and showed me how to understand it—that I became a passionate learner. When I first sat through a biblical curriculum, I couldn’t wait for the …

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Abounding in the Grace of Giving

Greetings from out here “on the road again.” Of course I’m writing this letter during July so it can go out to you August 1. I pray that it finds you on fire for the Lord and rejoicing in him this day.   As I write, I’m about one-third of the way through this 36-day itinerary that will eventually take …

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What is “The More Abundant Life”?

Dear Supernatural Saint, Wow, it’s almost summer, and this year is nearly half gone. I do hope that you are planning to celebrate with us in Orlando next month at the first TLTF Gathering Together. It’s going to be FABULOUS. One person we know is coming is the Lord Jesus, and we expect him to touch each of us there. …