Hey, this is the only month of the year with a command: “March Forth!” So let’s do it! We can be assured that The Captain of our Salvation will lead us to victory, if we get up and follow him. Remember that TLTF stands for The Living TRUTH Fellowship, and our motto is, “Magnifying Jesus Christ, The Living Truth.” Did …
God’s Logo is Love
Today we live in a world where countless products, causes, and ideologies compete for our money, our time, our energy, and our commitment. Each of these has its own particular brand/trademark/logo. The company’s goal is that its brand becomes universally and instantly recognized, and that we are thereby drawn to its product, shoddy though it may be. The goal of …
Let’s Expect Miracles 2015
As another calendar year begins, I pause to look back on my 49 years as a committed Christian and my 47 years of being privileged to know a bunch of Bible. At age 22 I was in no way on a search for the Holy Grail, and I am astounded at God’s grace and mercy in my life. I never …
Here we are at the end of another calendar year, and we Christians are still buying time, as it were. The Devil is gnashing his teeth (guess what—it won’t be the last time he does so; think Lake of Fire) at the fact that his one-world government agenda is still not a reality. Why? Because you and I are standing …
It’s hard to believe it is November, which ushers in the “holiday season” and catapults us to the end of another calendar year. I used to think that my birthday on November 10 (the same date Martin Luther entered the world) was what kicked off the celebrations, but a couple years ago someone explained to me that is not the …
It’s October, a gorgeous time of year in places where the leaves are colorfully displaying the artistry of our Creator, but a month rather bereft of celebratory days, other than Yom Kippur (if you’re Jewish) and Columbus Day (if you’re an American, or a distant relative of old Chris). I know what you’re thinking, and I agree: “The entire World …
Although I wish I could see you face to face, it is a joy to once again greet you via this amazing electronic medium, and I hope that you are electrified by what you read. I am very excited about writing it, and I pray that the Lord Jesus ministers to you through what I am inspired to share with you. …
You Are the Face of Christ to the World
Have you ever stopped to consider what really happened on the Day of Pentecost, which the “Church Calendar” notes is the first Sunday of this month? Omigosh! The magnitude of what God did on that pivotal day He had so long awaited is something I want to truly understand, never take for granted, and practically apply in my life so …
Jesus Christ is Love: Orient Your Heart Toward His
My prayer for you is that the Lord Jesus is shining his light into every part of your life today. The reason he can is because he chose to “face” God every moment of his life, always looking to Him and entrusting himself to His Father. That was Jesus’ “attitude.” Now he longs to give us every good thing, but …
Death Sucks
What a brutal Winter! At least here in Indiana, where we’ve not seen the grass but a few times, thanks to the perpetual white-out we’ve experienced. I’ll even rejoice to be able to mow the lawn soon. Thank God that He decided to follow the relative drabness of Winter with the COLORS and WARMTH of SPRING! Recently I was privileged to …