Who Ya Gonna Follow?

Please join us on this April Fool’s Day, a significant 28th anniversary for John Lynn, who will first share a few minutes about his life, which he never expected to be one of Christian service. The bulk of this dynamic teaching is about Christian leadership, both good and bad, and how it relates to you.

Christianity is a “team sport.” If you are committed to the Lord Jesus and the cause of spreading the true Word of God, you MUST align yourself with other human Christians, and you MUST follow someone. By what criteria do you decide Who Ya Gonna Follow? Hint: You want to follow those who are, by both teaching and example, following Jesus and leading you to him and his lordship.

God desperately needs genuine leaders in the Body of Christ. The foundation of genuine leadership is WORSHIP and SERVICE, that is, one who loves God and loves his neighbor. Self-promotion, desire for self-gain, power, or prestige disqualify one as a leader worth following. God has much to say about this in His wonderful Word.

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