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Five Types of Government

We know from Scripture that there are two spiritual kingdoms: the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Both kingdoms rely upon authority, but use it in very different ways. God is not a God of disorder, but peace. Therefore His authority, which we find in self-government, the government of the family, church government, civil government, and within God’s kingdom, are all given to man to bless him and order his reality. Satan, on the other hand, uses his authority to tyrannize and oppress.

God’s principles are clear from a societal point of view. As Christians, we believe in strong and consistent authority. We support strong personal responsibility, and strong families. We support strong faith and spiritual affiliation. We support just laws, and we support strong and just law enforcement. In this very timely teaching, given the current state of our nation and the world. This teaching takes us into the Word of God and looks at His intention for Civil Government.

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