Virgil Ramey looks at the word “THINK” in regards to bringing to mind remembrance before we speak.

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  1. Virgil,

    I was absolutely delighted at how you blessed me today in this video. I love the acronym you came up with for the word, “think”, and I am going to use that to help me work on speaking life into people’s lives. Thank you for all you do, my brother in Christ.


  2. Thank you for presenting the Word of God that is alive and well. God bless you and your wife!

  3. Virgil-
    I did not think when I clicked on your video this morning I would be so blessed . . . For a 9 letter former Student Athlete of Brighton High School . . . you did and do a great job in Making the WORD of God speak to a persons heart. Live Long and continue to Prosper Virgil Ramey . . . You bless the lives of all that know you.
    Tim McGuire

  4. Virgil, Bless you!

    You have always been a blessing to my heart.
    I highly esteem you and have great admiration for how you act and speak. You get to people’s hearts. You are greatly loved by so many. Your ability to take off any ‘masks” and be truly genuine, with love love…is a prime example of how Jesus Christ acted. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Whenever you speak I just have to smile. You and Carolyn are such a marvelous example of
    what Christians should be in a God designed marriage!

    Love and Blessings,
    Your Sister in Christ

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