Shortly after last month’s newsletter was sent out, a friend reached out to me via email. He expressed, “I found your recent brief piece on prayer both uplifting and inspiring, so thank you for that. Whenever I come across statements that resonate with me, I instinctively turn to the Bible, seeking answers to questions like, ‘Where can I find this in Scripture?’ or ‘How can I teach this using the Bible?’ So, I’m curious — where does the truth of the statement you made below originate in the Bible?
We must genuinely seek His presence more than His power, desire His face over His hand, and cherish His whispered words of love in our hearts above all that life has to offer.
I suspect you found this insight during your reading or research. I completely agree with you, but I can’t pinpoint anything in Scripture that aligns with it. I eagerly await your response.”
My friend’s question sparked a challenge for me, sending me on a journey to explore how “truth” is revealed to us as followers of Jesus. In this month’s Connected in Christ, I will endeavor to address this inquiry as we delve into the theme of Transactions & Transformation. Together, we’ll consider questions like, “Does truth always stem from Scripture, or are there other sources? Why is studying the Bible important? What does it mean to be transformed into Christ’s image? How do we renew our minds?”
Join Gary Lee Corns, as he examines the Scriptures and seek God’s timeless wisdom regarding Transactions & Transformation.