Moving From “Need” to “Want”

At some stage in life, everyone has embraced a challenging endeavor with a mix of excitement and hopeful anticipation. We approach these tasks aware that we might not be fully prepared, yet we carry an unwavering confidence. Once we achieve our goal, we celebrate the success, imperfections and all. That feeling of “I did it!” is something that can be cherished for a lifetime.

Throughout my life, I have frequently approached the process of renewing my mind and living by the spirit as obligations rather than as joyful opportunities. Thoughts such as “I should pray more” or “I ought to witness more” often feel burdensome instead of being seen as delightful possibilities. It brings to mind something I used to tell my teenage children: “The only thing that’s changed between helping Dad now and when you were five is your perspective. When you were five, you just wanted to be with me, enjoying whatever I was doing. Now, it seems you’d rather pursue your own interests.” I find that, too often, I adopt a similar attitude toward my relationship with Jesus.

Join Gary Lee Corns as he delves into scripture to reveal straightforward truths that can help you shift from a “have to” believer to a “want to” enthusiast. When we approach God’s Word with awe and enthusiasm, they are never burdensome, but are in fact a joy!

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