As I continue to grow in Christ, I find myself more frequently questioning many of my long-held beliefs about God and the Bible. In fact, I have grown quite comfortable with asking myself why I believe as I do on numerous topics. I’m no longer fearful of questions. In fact I especially enjoy them when I know they emerge from a sincere desire to know YAHWEH and our Lord Jesus Christ more fully. One such question I began pondering a little while back is the common belief that God is ALWAYS the initiator in all good things. He is always proactive, moving first, to bring about His will to the earth. Thus, we humans are only reactive to His first move.
One author I read on this topic wrote the following; “When it comes to Christian service, God will let you know what you need to do. He is always the Initiator—which means that He is drawing people into service and sending them out to serve.” This sounds very religious and even pious. But is it true?
This belief that God always moves first is essentially based in the belief that God alone is in absolute control over creation and everything that happens is somehow part of His plan. If we accept this idea, then we are left with numerous problems surrounding the character of God. For instance, was Noah’s flood (which wiped out all of humanity but eight people) initiated by God? Was it his desire? It was if we believe that God alone initiates everything to conform to His ultimate will. How do the scriptures explain the cause behind Noah’s flood?
Genesis 6:11-13 (REV)
“The earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, because all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”
The clear evidence of scripture is that God was not acting as an initiator to bring about the flood, but rather that he was reactive to the behavior of evil people. The earth (humanity) had become corrupt, and God reacted to the corruption by cleansing the earth with the flood.
Consider the Divine Council who assisted God in creation. Why would He even invite them to participate if He alone was the initiator in all things? Or consider His showdown with the Pharaoh who had enslaved Israel. Did God initiate all those plagues or were they Gods reaction to Pharaohs refusal to let the people go free?
I believe that God is both proactive and reactive in bringing about His will in the earth. Sometimes He initiates things like choosing Abram to become the father of a nation of priests to help the world. At other times he reacts to circumstances as He did when King Saul refused to follow Him and David was subsequently made king. This bilateral behavior of being both proactive and reactive is a simple exhibition of God’s wisdom. As the Most High God, YAHWEH wisely directs, reacts and guides our world toward His ultimate will all while honoring the free sentient beings He created.
Practically speaking, we do ourselves no good by always waiting for God to initiate a move in our lives before we act. We have the scriptures, the gift of holy spirit and the freedom to step out confidently to perform the works of God. If we do so wisely, then God will encourage us. If do so unwisely, then He will react to correct us. In either direction God is faithful to work with us as a loving father, helping us to be our best self.
Your Brother in Christ,