“Life is _ (fill in the blank)”. In many ways that is precisely what God invites us to do… “fill in the blank”; and how we choose to perform that feat will, in large part, determine who we become. Certainly, some things affect us which are beyond our control. But most of our lives are directed by our own choices. For instance, we choose what we think, with whom we associate, and how we invest our time and energy among other things. These daily choices often significantly determine the quality of life we experience.
As a parent, I never wanted to mandate or control my children. My great joy was to see them make wise choices. In fact, it was my custom to look them in the eye as they headed out the door and encourage them with the words, “be wise”. I never felt the “do this” and “don’t do this” lecture ever really helped them. Instead, my desire was to impress upon them to look within themselves and call upon the truth principles they’d been taught from God’s Word and make wise choices. Afterall, there is no way I could anticipate everything they might encounter during their time away from home. But I could remind them that they had the ability to live wisely no matter the circumstances they might face.
I believe I learned this model of parenting from our heavenly father. From Eden until today, He has always been the great teacher and encourager. He doesn’t force His will upon anyone, and He certainly doesn’t put us through the third degree over poor choices we’ve made. Instead, He gently leads and guides us as we look to Him for wisdom. He tells us in many places in his word that wisdom is the principal virtue we should seek to obtain.
Proverbs 4:7 is a familiar verse about wisdom.
“Wisdom is the principal thing, so get Wisdom;
and with all your purchases, purchase understanding.” (REV)
I especially enjoy this part of Dr. John Schoenheit’s commentary in the REV bible on Proverbs 4:7 which reads,
Like many things in life, wisdom can be simple but difficult. It can be easy to know what to do but difficult to do it. In the Semitic mindset, a person is not wise when he knows what to do but does not do it, he is wise when he actually does what he knows to do. Knowing what to do but not doing it is not wisdom in the biblical sense of the word; in fact, it is foolishness. However, wisdom is the principal thing, the supreme thing, so we should make up our minds to acquire wisdom, which includes following through and acting on what we know to do.
In the upcoming year, many will make promises or pledges to achieve various goals. Some seek weight loss; some will pursue more time with family and others something different. But, according to God’s word, no pursuit in life is more important and vital than our pursuit of wisdom. So, as we embark upon another year, may we keep in mind that wisdom should be our primary objective. For with the wisdom of God we can face anything with confidence and courage.
Love In Christ,
Gary Lee Corns

His Unfailing Presence
Another year I enter
Its history unknown;
Oh, how my feet would tremble
To tread its paths alone!
But I have heard a whisper,
I know I shall be blest;
“My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest.”
What will the New Year bring me?
I may not, must not know;
Will it be love and rapture,
Or loneliness and woe?
Hush! Hush! I hear His whisper;
I surely shall be blest;
“My presence shall go with thee,
And I will give thee rest.”
– Author Unknown