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Dressed For The Occasion

Who made the first clothing in human history? Adam and Eve. Why, and why did God think it sartorially tasteless, such that He gave them a new wardrobe? What are Christians today supposed to put on? And how will the Lord Jesus clothe us at his appearing? JUST TRUTH IT is dedicated to helping you understand the Word of God …

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A New Age Teaching

Today we hear a lot about “New Age” this or that, and the term is usually associated with the humanistic notion that mankind will eventually usher in a new age of world peace. Actually, only THE MAN (that would be JESUS) will do that. The reason we need a new age is because this one sucks, as per Luke 4:6; …

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Suffering For The Lord

In His Word, God makes it very clear that those who truly follow Christ will be persecuted. Welcome to life! What happened to the “body of Christ” when he walked the earth will happen now to his spiritual Body, the Church. So how are we to deal with this kind of suffering? With the mindset that Jesus Christ had. And …

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What Is True Friendship?

Who is your best friend? A TRUE FRIEND is a treasure beyond description. Christianity is “a team sport,” and the deeper our friendships with our brethren in Christ, the more effectually we will carry out our mission as the Church. Scripture has some FABULOUS truth about how true friends relate to one another for mutual benefit. JUST TRUTH IT is …

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“Get A Life” Part 3 of 3

“Are you saved, brother? From WHAT? The biblical answer is SIN and DEATH. Scripturally, salvation has a past, present, and future aspect. Our salvation will not be consummated until Jesus comes and gives us a new body, but in this earthen vessel he has given us a “guarantee of life” in the Paradise yet to come. JUST TRUTH IT is …

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“Get A Life” Part 2 of 3 – Follow the Leader

In this fascinating and enlightening segment, we see why Jesus Christ was the “firstborn from the dead” in order to be the “firstborn of many brethren.” Only he could have blazed a trail of faith to the heart of God, and only he can help us walk that path in his steps. JUST TRUTH IT is dedicated to helping you …

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“Get A Life” Part 1 of 3

“Get a life” is God’s basic message to every human being who is born. Huh? Doesn’t their birth give them life? Only temporarily, and usually with eventually diminishing quality. See why the Bible can be summed up in 4.8 seconds as: “the story of two men–the first guy wrecked everything, the second guy is fixing it.” JUST TRUTH IT is …

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“Keep The Faith”

“Keep the faith.” In WHAT? Knowing God’s definition of “faith” is critical to to knowing God Himself. Hint: biblical faith is not superstition, as used by religious people asking you to believe something illogical and irrational: “Take it on faith.” Faith is simply TRUST in a rational promise. It is “taking God’s Word” for it. JUST TRUTH IT is dedicated …

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What Are Angels And What Do They Doing?

It is very comforting to know that although we are daily targets in a spiritual war zone, there are twice as many good angels trying to help us as there are evil angels trying to harm us. The Bible has about 50 accounts of angels (not angles) intervening on behalf of people for their benefit. JUST TRUTH IT is dedicated …

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Choose The One Good Thing

Successful living in this insane world requires effectively setting priorities. Guess what? God has something to say about how to do that, and when we follow our Lord Jesus we see the practical benefits of keeping obedience to him as our chief priority. JUST TRUTH IT is dedicated to helping you understand the Word of God by providing accurate, sensible, …