It’s been said, “There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.” This is a true. The conscience is our inner witness. Each of us has one. It praises us when do right and chastises us when we don’t. it’s our most valuable commodity for our moral life. This is why we must guard our conscience with all our …
Proverbs: The Contrast of Wisdom and Foolishness
The Word of God tells us that Wisdom is the principal thing; so therefore, we are to get wisdom; and with all our getting, we’re to get understanding also. Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is not to be wise. Many men know a great deal, and are all the greater fools for it. But to know …
What Do Jesus Christ and Paul Revere Have in Common?
Answer: A sermon on a mount. Paul Revere’s message (“The British are coming”) was considerably shorter than Jesus’ (“The kingdom is coming”). And, while Paul’s words were significant in regard to the future of our country, they can’t compare to the timeless truths that “King” Jesus (which is how Matthew’s gospel portrays him) spoke in his “Inaugural Address” to his …
Pride and Meekness
As it is with the fallen angel Lucifer, pride is a primary constituent of man’s fallen nature. Psalm 10:4 says that in his pride the wicked does not seek God; in all his thoughts there is no room for Him. This is because the person of pride is consumed with thoughts of himself and always being right. As long as …
How to Try the Spirits
1 Timothy 4:1 tells the Christian that in these latter days many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. Because of this, he must be armed with understanding so that he can discern between the truth of God and the subtle errors of the wicked one.
Yo Adam, Thanks for NOTHING!
The subtitle for this teaching is Yo Jesus, Thanks for EVERYTHING! As you probably know, the Bible is the story of two men. The first man bequeathed to us an irreparable SIN nature that plagues us daily—that’s the problem. The second man imbued us with a DIVINE nature that gives us the potential, and the authority, to think and trust …
The Independence of Truth
The Bible states that we have the spirit of truth and the spirit of error, which are universal concepts that apply to all of humanity, not just Christianity (1 John 4:5). The world’s viewpoint is that man is able to subsist apart from God, which is the great lie and a temptation for those who do not know Christ. In …
God’s Matchless Grace
Grace is defined in Scripture as God’s unmerited favor. It’s due to his goodness that God bestows this favor, along with its concomitant, Mercy, upon mankind. However, to understand these attributes in their deeper significance, the student of Scripture must first understand God’s judgment. This teaching is about two men – Adam and Jesus Christ. It was through the God’s …
Exercising Our Authority in Christ
The key word in this inspiring teaching is “authority,” which is the Greek, exousia. It means, “the power of rule or government (the power of him whose will and commands must be submitted to by others and obeyed)”. As you probably know, Jesus said, “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing. When he sent out the …
Light and Darkness
The power of God is light and the power of Satan is darkness. This is the way in which the servant of God must discern things. Since God is light (1 John 1:5), it is God alone who defines what light is, just as Satan shows us what the opposite of light is – darkness. This truth provides in God’s …