Although the whole world has been under the prevailing influence of the Evil One since Adam forfeited his God-given earthly dominion to him, the state of the world today certainly appears worse than anything any of us have seen during our lifetimes. What comes our way each day requires an overriding Hope that gives us a clear vision of a new world to come, with multi-variegated blessings beyond our imagination.
Most believers associate Hope primarily with Christ’s coming to raise all our loved ones who have fallen asleep, and rightly so. But besides spending forever with countless sterling saints in a glorious Paradise, there surely will be every good thing we enjoy now—magnified immensely. One of the most satisfying aspects of our forever future is JUSTICE, as meted out by Judge Jesus. Every human being—believer and non-believer—will get what he or she deserves, both good and bad. For Christians, the good includes REWARDS for how we have lived since being saved.
It has not been a walk in the park walking in love as Jesus Christ did. I take one day at a time. For it is God who has been there every time I have had a challenge. I know as the years have gone by, I could not have lived my life with out Him. I know God has never forsaken me or left me, no matter what has come my way. In the end, God has made me to be victorious in everything I have done. I could not image a life with out him in it. I have grown old, yet my heart is so blessed to have had so many men and women come and help me. Thank you John and Elizabeth, for your example as knowing God and showing it in your life.
The US Army used to have a recruitment ad that said, “Be all you can be.” That’s fine, but how about, “Be all God can make you be!” Hmmmm…which to choose?
Fantastic teaching and the song at the end is extremely inspirational.