Well, it’s now 2020, which begs the ocular question: What is your VISION of yourself and your ministry in the Body of Christ? Do you see yourself doing great things with the Lord this year? In this initial WWF teaching of the new year, John will take us to a number of relevant and provocative sections of Scripture, including 1 Kings 19, the record of Elijah temporarily losing his vision of who God made him to be and what God would do in working with him. God reminded him of the Big Picture, which is something each of us must keep in view.
With regard to God’s promises to mankind, Jesus Christ is how He “put it in writing,” so to speak. Or rather, how He put writing in flesh. But He had to have Jesus’ total commitment to His will. God made a request of His Son, and also many promises to him, chief among which was that He would raise Jesus from the dead. Because our Lord embraced the will of God, all the way to the Cross, ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD are wrapped up in him. Chief among those promises is his coming for us, which will not be an end, but the BEGINNING of something beyond our expectation, and without end.

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If not for his ministry I wouldn’t have made it past 20 years of age! I’m still getting blessed beyond measure by all that I have learned over the years. “For the gifts and callings of God are without repentance.” I am thankful that as you continue to speak the Truth of God’s Word, it will spread like a stone dropped in a pond. That the reverberations of the impact it makes, will continue to change the lives of those who have “eyes to see, and ears to hear”. You are in my prayers. God bless you, Philippians 1:3 style!
I suggest this simple statement that combines our mission and vision: LOVE GOD, LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, MAKE DISCIPLES.
Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision [prophetic revelation, knowledge of God], the people perish [wander aimlessly without self-control], but he who keeps God’s teachings is blessed.
Acts 20:20 “I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you publicly and from house to house. [Do you want this epitaph on your grave stone?]