Like every ministry, we have our Statement of Beliefs on our website for everyone to see exactly what we believe the written Word of God says about the most critical issues of the Christian faith. Please read it and see for yourself if it resonates for you.
If it does, you may be among the many truth seekers like we who have found certain traditional doctrines difficult to believe. And you deserve to receive satisfactory biblical answers to your questions about them. God’s Truth always makes sense, when one has the requisite biblical foundation for understanding it, and you need not abandon reason, logic, and the laws of language to believe it. Here are some of the questions we had, which the Word of God has answered to our intellectual and emotional satisfaction – all of which can be found on our website.
1. Is not the “Postmodern” lie that there is no such thing as absolute truth itself an absolutism?
2. How can the “Trinity” be the cornerstone of Christianity when neither the word itself nor the concept of a three-in-one God is found anywhere in the Bible?
3. How could Jesus be “God the Son” or “the God-man” (phrases not found in Scripture) when he repeatedly referred to himself as the “Son of God” and “the Son of Man”?
4. Why does the Bible never refer to the “Holy Spirit” as the “Third Person of the Trinity”? What is the difference between the “Holy Spirit” and the “holy spirit”?
5. If God is “Sovereign,” and He either wills or “allows” everything that happens, including all evil and tragedy, how is He not ultimately responsible for all human suffering, especially if He saw it ahead of time in His “absolute” foreknowledge?
6. Given that in any language, “death” means “the end of life,” how can a Christian who dies somehow also be “alive” in some incorporeal form as either a “soul” or a “spirit”, when neither of those words is used that way in Scripture?
7. How can the everlasting dwelling place for Christians be in “heaven” when Jesus said that the meek will inherit the “earth”?
8. If all wicked people, and those who refuse to believe in Jesus, will be tormented “forever” in the flames of “hell,” would they not then have “everlasting life”? And would such “eternal” torment really be fair, even for the most evil human beings?
9. Are “faith” and “fear” actually forces generated by the human mind that automatically bring either good or bad into one’s life?
10. If the only three kinds of people who have ever lived on the earth are “Jews (Israel), Gentiles (non-Jews), and Christians,” as per 1 Corinthians 10:32, what parts of the Bible are written to which of those groups?
11. If a Christian can “lose his salvation” by some form of misbehaving after he is “born again of incorruptible seed” (1 Pet. 1:23), how could that actually be “salvation,” and how bad does the behavior have to be for him to somehow get “unborn”?
12. If any Christians will go through any part of the Tribulation, which is referred to as “the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble” (Jer. 30:7), why does 1 Thessalonians 5:19 say that “God has not appointed us Christians to wrath”?
13. Why do most Christians refer to the abilities listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-10 as “gifts” when Scripture instead calls them “manifestations”? How does that difference matter?
14. Is there any hierarchy in the Body of Christ other than Jesus being the Head and we Christians being equal members of his Body? If not, are titles such as “Bishop,” “Reverend,” “Pastor” really biblical, given that they are never used in the Book of Acts?
15. How can Christians be part of the “New Covenant” when Jeremiah 31:31ff says that it is God’s future plan for Israel, with whom He made the Old Covenant?
16. If God clearly addresses Israel in regard to observing a weekly Sabbath, being baptized in water, tithing, or wearing special robes, hats, etc., do these things really apply to Christians?
Statement of Beliefs
We believe that Genesis through Revelation is the heart and mind of the One True God revealed to mankind via the medium that He chose: words. God reveals to us “all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3) so that we can know Him and manifest His qualities to the world. God wants us to be “imitators” of Him, and His chief characteristic is love. We know this from His Word, which is “the truth,” that is, the only source of that which is real.