To all who are connected with The Living Truth Fellowship (TLTF) in any way, we make this solemn commitment to you:
We will remain steadfast in the truth of God’s Word, holding firm to its principles and promises, and fully aligning ourselves with the TLTF Statement of Beliefs. Our desire is to walk in obedience to the Lord, putting off the old nature with its worldly inclinations and instead clothing ourselves with the mind and character of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through study, prayer, and the renewing of our minds, we will seek to live out the truth revealed in God’s Word and reflect His love and wisdom in all that we do.
As Ephesians 4 instructs, we will strive to live a life worthy of the high calling we have received, walking with integrity, humility, and devotion to the Lord. We will diligently work to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, prioritizing harmony and understanding within the body of Christ. With hearts filled with grace and patience, we will choose kindness over harshness, compassion over indifference, and forgiveness over resentment, knowing that we ourselves have been forgiven in Christ. We will speak truthfully, rejecting deception in all forms, and ensuring that our words are spoken with love and wisdom, building up rather than tearing down.
Following the example set forth in Philippians 2, we will not be driven by selfish ambition or vanity but will embrace an attitude of humility, seeking the well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ above our own interests. We will set aside pride and personal agendas, recognizing that true leadership and service require selflessness. For the sake of the greater good of the team and the body of Christ, we will work together in unity, striving for collective growth rather than individual recognition. With prayerful hearts, we will remain open to appropriate reproof and correction, understanding that godly discipline leads to wisdom and maturity. Trusting in the Lord Jesus as our defender, we will not seek to elevate ourselves at the expense of others but will serve with sincerity and honor, confident that He will sustain and uphold us.
We will stand firmly by our honest convictions, even when they differ from those around us, yet we will remain open to dialogue, listening with respect and humility. We will weigh differing perspectives with discernment, always considering the greater good and the truth of God’s Word. While we will support the majority view in matters of unity and cooperation, we will not compromise biblical truth or conscience for the sake of conformity.
Above all, our ultimate aim is not to seek the fleeting approval of men but to please the Lord, who examines and knows our hearts. In all that we do, we desire to honor our Lord Jesus Christ, walking in faith, love, and righteousness, so that our lives may be a testimony to his truth and grace.
In Christ’s Service,
Franco Bottley: President
Gary Lee Corns: Vice President
Marc Dickie: Secretary/Treasurer