One of the hallmarks of weak leaders is the insistence that the followers give unquestioning loyalty and adherence to them, often at the exclusion of all others. Such leaders usually employ subtle intimidation tactics to create fear in their followers. Governments rule by the threat of force, and religions by the threat of rejection. Both create fear and fear is a very powerful motivator. But love is greater.
The Biblical model of leadership is that of a servant washing the feet of others from a heart of love (John 13). Whenever leaders seek to serve with love at the direction of the holy spirit they will often find themselves in uncharted and unfamiliar territory (think Peter and Cornelius in Acts 10). Following the spirit often takes us in directions we didn’t necessarily choose, exploring concepts previously never considered. Such is the place we; the Board of Trustees, find ourselves occupying today. We long for God’s people to be curious and willing to search for truths apart from and in addition to those teachings we provide. After all, we simply want the truth… regardless of where it originates.
This kind of open mindedness does not, in any way negate or invalidate our beliefs. Rather it strengthens us when we learn what others believe and why they believe as they do. To this end either our understanding gets corrected, or we discover the errors that others have incorrectly embraced. Either way we grow in wisdom. The bottom line is, “Let’s not live in fear of what other people believe or teach about the Bible or God.”
In response to the Spirit’s leading, the TLTF Board of Trustees have agreed on some changes that we believe will encourage all of us to expand our thinking about what “ministry” looks like on a practical level. Our first course of action is to discontinue the monthly World-Wide Fellowship (WWF) and replace it with other types of instruction, discussion, and fellowship that we believe will help us all grow in the Lord.
We may invite speakers from outside of the TLTF household to present their work for our consideration. We are also planning to do a night of praise and worship, where we turn up the volume and enjoy rejoicing before the Lord for His goodness. Or a regular monthly Prayer Night like some we’ve done in past weeks can be incredibly effective and powerful.
Jesus fellowshipped with prostitutes, tax collectors and scholars alike because he loved them all. May we also boldly seek to walk in his steps, loving, listening, learning, and committing ourselves to be like him in this world. As believers, it is imperative that we learn to recognize the voice of the Lord, and in so doing, perfect our walk with him.
We sincerely believe that these changes reflect the work of God’s spirit in our lives. A work that we trust will help all of us mature in Christ.
I Corinthians 14:20:
“Brethren, do not be children in your thinking; yet in evil be infants, but in your thinking be mature.”
We are very excited to be entering into this new season of ministry inspired by the spirit of God. As Paul said, “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere” (2 Corinthians 2:14).
We thank you for your love, prayers, and support as we continue to move ahead together serving the bread of life to all.