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God’s Purpose with Humanity

The profound question of life’s purpose echoes through the ages, a query that has captivated philosophers and theologians alike. While some seek answers in the complexities of human existence, others turn to God’s Word for answers. In the very first pages of the Bible, God reveals His intent for humanity – to create beings in His own image. This declaration, …

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Is God Proactive or Reactive?

As I continue to grow in Christ, I find myself more frequently questioning many of my long-held beliefs about God and the Bible. In fact, I have grown quite comfortable with asking myself why I believe as I do on numerous topics. I’m no longer fearful of questions. In fact I especially enjoy them when I know they emerge from …

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The Cruelest Religion On Earth

I believe that Evolution is the cruelest religion in the history of humanity. Please allow me to elaborate. I refer to Evolution as a religion because it requires faith to accept its premises and conclusions. Any ideology which requires faith is a religion. Some say it is a science, but it isn’t, and this is why. Science is the study …

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Dispensational Danger

Looking back over the years of my efforts to walk with Christ, I can see how many of my initial beliefs or conclusions about God and the Bible have changed. Dispensationalism is one. For those who do not understand this term, it is the recognition that throughout time God has “changed the rules for humanity” so to speak. Scholars refer …

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Resurrection Power

If you have lived a while it is highly probable that the pain of death has pierced your heart in some way. Undoubtedly, you can recall the moment when you received the devastating news, ‘Your father/mother/brother/sister/wife/child has died,’ and the weight of those words hit you like a speeding train. Have you ever taken notice of the countless individuals who …

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Centered Is The New Shalom

In recent years I’ve heard the term “centered” often used to describe a state of being that everyone should strive to attain. It is defined as having a central point or internal compass from which our lives can remain in sync as our authentic self. Another closely related idea is life balance. Except with life balance the concept is that …

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Prayer: The Bridge to God’s Willingness

The concept of faith is not the sole factor in the ‘equation’ that governs our lives. A thorough examination of the teachings of the Bible reveals that prayer, the intensity of spiritual warfare, and the support of fellow believers also play significant roles in shaping our experiences. The fervent prayers of God’s people hold great significance in the fulfillment of …

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Hating What God Hates

Hating what God hates is not about being judgmental or self-righteous, but rather about aligning ourselves with His perfect and righteous nature. As humans, we are often tempted to make excuses for our actions and justify our sinful behaviors. However, when we truly understand and embrace God’s Word, we realize that sin is not just a list of rules to …

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Grace of the Almighty God

We are grateful to God for the grace that He has bestowed upon us through Christ Jesus our Lord, as well as the promise of eternal glory that is rooted in that grace. It is only through His great mercy that we have been granted an inheritance in heaven that will never fade away. Apart from God, who could have …

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The Giving Season

Christian reformer Martin Luther once said, “People go through three conversions: The conversion of their head, their heart, and their pocketbook. Unfortunately, not all at the same time.”  We first hear the gospel, weigh it in our minds to the point of assent and ultimately believe it in our hearts. At that moment, we are saved from death and guaranteed …