“HE IS RISEN!!!” Here’s the record of when those indescribably glorious, and theretofore unheard of, words were first spoken: Matthew 28:5-7a But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where …
Jesus Loves Me, This I know
Well, it’s February, and the luster of the “Holiday Season” has faded. Somehow, Groundhog Day just doesn’t inspire the worldwide fervor that Christmas and New Year’s do. Fifty years ago, the age-old focus on Valentine’s Day was no doubt the highlight of this month for most people, especially those in love. And then came the first Super Bowl in 1967, …
2016 – Happy Truth Year!
Happy Truth Year! “Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more!” Another calendar year begins, and for each child of God living in concert with our Lord Jesus Christ, every moment is replete with godly possibilities. Personally, my lofty goal is to so live in 2016 that I have no regrets. As we sports fans say, “I want to …
Joy Has A Name – Jesus
Hello, Christian Comedian. And you say, “Huh? What kind of salutation is that?” “Actually” (as our five-year-old granddaughter, Wendell Jane, begins many sentences), I think you’ll see that it is appropriate—or that it should be. How so? Well, here’s the definition of “comedy”: “a work of light and humorous character with a happy or cheerful ending; a dramatic work in …
The End Times – Good News … We Win
Dear Saved Saint, How sad that far too many dear Christians found themselves disappointed and disillusioned during the past few weeks when one or more of the fallacious “prophetic” prognostications they were counting on never took place. No, the Rapture did not occur on either September 23 or October 7, and the Major League baseball playoffs are in full swing. …
Well, it’s September, and I hope your summer was most enjoyable. Personally, I love having up to 15 hours of “Let there be light.” The Word of God shows us that He relates to us according to a linear timeline, and thus we know that He and the Lord Jesus are marking time together with us as the opportunities of …
Some years ago I did a teaching called What Do You Expect? In it I said that having the biblically proper expectations in regard to God, Jesus, the Devil, and people is absolutely critical if we are to maximize our Christian potential during our days in this “present evil age” (Gal. 1:4). You must always be expecting nothing but good …
Yikes! 2015 is almost half gone, and we’re still here, not dead, and not yet rescued from this depraved and reprobate world. The darker it is, the brighter a light shines, and your light and mine can still shine like a city on a hill—IF we abide in Christ and “stay lit.” God’s Word is very clear that those who …
If you live in a seasonable climate, you are probably loving the warm weather that May brings and the opportunity to soak up some vitamin D-filled sunshine. In college, we sun-worshipers called that “getting some ‘bennies’” (i.e., beneficial rays of the Sun). Little did I know back then that I would one day worship The Son and get way more …
This month we celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior, The Man Who is the Plan Because the First Man Ran, and I am extremely excited about this FOD letter—NO FOOLIN’! In fact, as per 1 Corinthians 2:8, Satan is the “April Fool” for crucifying Jesus. The topic that came to me when I was thinking about what to write is …