Since his fall from grace through Adam, mankind has been separated from God. This is true for all except those who’ve been saved. This separation has been more than just a cool estrangement. The Bible tells us that it is a hostility. It tells us that a worldly person is at enmity with God; that he does not submit to God’s law, and neither can he. Why does this world vehemently reject God’s goodness and despise his son, Jesus Christ. Because light hates darkness.
“This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.” (John 3:19)
Thank you for such a great teaching! As a Christian, we do need to be bold and stand on the promises of God. We are seeing so much evil today in the world, but we know God is always with us – so we must stand firm and be the lights of this world.